Learn touch typing online using TypingClub's free typing courses. It includes 650 typing games, typing tests and videos.
KAZ offers touch typing software for children, an ideal tool for schools to help kids learn to type and improve skills, a great alternative to Typing Club.
Learn to touch type with Englishtype The leading brand of touch typing tutor developed especially for the UK Curriculum by an Educational Psychologist.
World's most popular free typing program! Typing.com’s K–12 typing curriculum features touch typing, digital citizenship, coding lessons, and games.
There’s no doubt that learning to touch type is ahigh-leverageactivity you should take up if you type a lot. How do you learn? Typing Club gives you simple star rating at the end of each lesson, in addition to detailed stats for how you did. ...
Students and teachers alike can watch a recording of every performance. Spotting frequent mistakes and recognizing weak areas is indispensable to improving students' typing skills. How does it work? Master each lesson until you get all five stars. Practice about 15 minutes a day for a few weeks...
This will slow down learning as you'll be tempted to look at the keyboard instead of the monitor. While you're touch typing many keys will be hidden by your fingers, so you'll have to lift them every time to see the letter below. It will also make it more difficult to adapt to ...
There is an app for everything, including learning how to type. Here’s a list of free typing apps: iOS Typing Apps Apple iOS users, these apps are specifically made your device. Tap Typing Trainer Master typing on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch with the Tap Typing Trainer typing app...
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4. Repeat, Repeat, Repeat Your Typing Skills Until Mastery Repetition is ultimately the only way to master a skill, especially a physical one such as touch typing or swinging a golf club. It’s generally better to practice whichever skill you are trying to learn every day or so, even if...