The meaning of TOTEM is an object (such as an animal or plant) serving as the emblem of a family or clan and often as a reminder of its ancestry; also : a usually carved or painted representation of such an object. How to use totem in a sentence. Totem H
totem: An animal, plant, or natural object serving among certain tribal or traditional peoples as the emblem of a clan or family and sometimes revered as its founder, ancestor, or guardian.
These tribes’ beliefs further explain that a totem animal is with you for life, both in the physical and spiritual world. Though people may identify with different animal guides throughout their lifetimes, this one totem animal acts as the main guardian spirit. With this one animal, a connect...
(an image of) an animal or plant used as the badge or sign of a tribe, among North American Indiansetc.tótem totem pole a large wooden pole on which totems are carved and painted.tótem Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. ...
The word totem comes from the Algonquian word odoodem meaning “his kinship group.” This means a family or a clan. Totem poles are represent Indigenous families and clans! What do animals on a totem pole mean? Animal Totems and symbols are carved and painted on to long wooden poles that...
Spirit Animal Symbolism Each animal in the spiritual realm carries its unique symbolism and energy. For example, the wolf represents loyalty, intuition, and leadership, while the owl symbolizes wisdom, intuition, and the ability to see beyond illusions. By understanding the symbolism of different spi...
totem 翻译 totem 翻译基本解释 ●totem:图腾
Free Essay: the totem pole is a monument created by Northwest Coast Aboriginal peoples to serve variously as a signboard, and memorial. Carved of large,...
totem meaning, definition, what is totem: an animal, plant etc that is thought to ...: Learn more.
Hawk meaning and symbolism is connected to great power, vision and perspective as well as the ability to connect with the divine but also to swoop down to gather the details here on Earth. Hawk Spirit Animal As a Spirit Animal, Hawk teaches awareness. The universe is trying to send you a...