The meaning of POLE is a long slender usually cylindrical object (such as a length of wood). How to use pole in a sentence.
The meaning of POLE is a long slender usually cylindrical object (such as a length of wood). How to use pole in a sentence.
- Totem poles (Haida: gyáaʼaang) are monumental carvings found in western Canada and the northwestern United States. They are a type of Northwest Coast...- A totem pole is an Indigenous, Native American artifact. Totem pole may refer to: Ed Galloway's Totem Pole Park, in Rogers ...
Pole definition: a long, cylindrical, often slender piece of wood, metal, etc.. See examples of POLE used in a sentence.
low man on the totem pole marked man new person (man) no man is an island odd man out (man) of few words one man's meat is another man's poison own man right-hand man see a man about a dog to a man men Discover More
totem: An animal, plant, or natural object serving among certain tribal or traditional peoples as the emblem of a clan or family and sometimes revered as its founder, ancestor, or guardian.
Spirit animals, also known as totem animals, are animal guides that are believed to accompany us throughout our lives, offering guidance, protection, and support. These animals can appear to us in dreams, meditations, or in our everyday lives, serving as symbols of qualities or traits they ...
Nautical.(of a sailing ship) with no sails set, as during a violent storm. stripped; naked; destitute: The thugs robbed him and left him under bare poles. More idioms and phrases containingpole seelow man on the totem pole;not touch with a ten-foot pole....
Examples from the Corpus totem•Tribesmenselecttotemcreaturesas abridgebetween theseparateworlds ofspiritanddreams.•When thisdominantfishdies or isremoved, his place is taken by the next man on thetotempole.•Thehoodedserpentwas theirtotem.•There is only one thing I can tell you of theset...
The author's initial encounter with the question o~ meaning and ~on-means occurred white thumbing through a recent ~s,sue of the New Yorker and happenin'g upon a cartoon: An Indian in the final stages of carving a huge ornately-figured totem pole, replies perturbedly ~o his squaw ...