Impact of the UK general election on total government expenditure cycles Theory and evidenceJoshy EasawDean GarrattJoshy Easaw and Dean Garratt, Impact of the UK General Election on Total Government Expenditure Cycles: Theory and Evidence
Contrary to standard empirical studies of demand for public consumption expenditure a system of demand equations is examined where the total expenditure variable is considered endogenous in the sense that it is correlated with the equation errors. Using a recently available UK dataset we explore alterna...
AstraZeneca's expenditure on research and development 2006-2023 Investment funds financial assets value in Turkey 2020-2022, by asset type Annual income: change manager in finance projects London (UK) 2018 Value of assets managed by global ETFs 2010-2017, by region Annual income: chief accountants...
Physical activity at the government-recommended level and obesity-related health outcomes: A longitudinal study (Early Bird 37) BACKGROUND: In the UK and USA, government guidelines for childhood physical activity have been set (> or =60 min/day at > or =3 metabolic equivalents of th... BS...
Other statistics on the topicNational Health Service (NHS) finances UK Economy Spending budget of the UK government 2024/25 Health System Healthcare expenditure as a share of GDP in the UK 1980-2023 Health System Healthcare expenditure in the UK 2000-2022 + Health System Public healthcare spend...
To study total emissions by British households we link an input-output model of the UK economy to the UK Expenditure and Food Survey. Results are presented as descriptive statistics followed by regression analysis. All categories of per capita emission rise with income which is the main driver. ...
tender documents and data from invoices and claims received in accordance with the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 and the GLA’s Contracts and Funding Code; UK GDPR means the retained EU law version of the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679), defined in the Data Protecti...
Jun 13, 2024 Sacyr is one of the leading construction companies from Spain. In 2021, their total global assets amounted to almost 15 billion euros. After a significant decline experienced during the first years of the period under consideration, Sacyr's assets showed a constant upward trend from...
Global advertising expenditure of Colgate-Palmolive 2009-2023 Advertising spending of Verizon 2009-2023 JPMorgan Chase: ad spend in the U.S. 2009-2022 Value of bank assets in Chile 2002-2018 Debt instruments in fixed income portfolio of Allianz Group 2015-2023 Distribution of Allianz Group third...
It is for OCJ to decide how it allocates the revised total budget to individual items of the proposed expenditure. 至 於經修訂 的預算總額 如 何分配予 開支建 議中的各項目,則由安大略省法院自行 決定。 [...] where large number of individuals have to be notif...