expenditure n.[U,C] 1.花费,消费,开支 2.(精力、时间、材料等的)耗费,消耗 government n. 1. 政府 2. 治理的形式;政体 3. (一国的)统治,治理,统治方式,管理方法 general adj. 1.普遍的,全面的;[attrib 作定语]整体的(不局限於一人,一事或一时);总的 2. 非专门的,一般的,普遍的;[attrib 作...
CEIC提供的一般政府:支出:欧盟27E:共计数据处于定期更新的状态,数据来源于Eurostat,数据归类于全球数据库的欧盟 – Table EU.F001: Eurostat: General Government Revenue and Expenditure: ESA 2010。 查看图表中 1995 到2023 期间的欧盟 欧盟 General Govt: Expenditure: E...
expenditure n.[U,C] 1.花费,消费,开支 2.(精力、时间、材料等的)耗费,消耗 government n. 1. 政府 2. 治理的形式;政体 3. (一国的)统治,治理,统治方式,管理方法 consumption n. 1.[U]消费 2.[U]消费量 3.[C]购买 4.[C]疾病 5.[U]阅读 general adj. 1.普遍的,全面的;[attrib 作定语...
上面那个人胡说八道,误人子弟,General government net lending/borrowing(percent of GDP)就是政府净收入占比GDP的比率。 IMF里面还有两个指标General government revenue和General government total expenditure,你算一下,他们差值就是General government net lending/borrowing。
蒙古2015的蒙古 MN: General Government: Memo Item: Total Cash Expenditure是多少? 数值前次数值最小值最大值单位频率范围 7,244,894.7020156,964,747.682014408,991.6020017,244,894.702015百万蒙古图格里克年2001 - 2015 蒙古MN: General Government: Memo Item: Total Cash Expenditure...
Total general government final consumption is perhaps of less political releance, from a fiscal perspective, than general government expenditure (see Section ) but its importance as a component of total GDP, and, so, as a reflection of its direct role as a "consumer" of final goods and ...
government. Certain expenses, such as annual and military leave earned but not taken, are not funded when accrued. Such expenses are financed in the ... T Assets 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Allocation of Government Health Services Expenditure in Andhra Pradesh, India, During the Eighties The primary...
presented information on total general government expenditure. But breakdowns of these expenditures on the basis of the activities they support is also of ... OECD - 《National Accounts at A Glance》 被引量: 5发表: 2013年 General government revenues The amount of revenues collected by countries ...
The Government was unable to generate adequate resources to meet its basic expenditures and depended on external resources for # per cent of its budget 该国政府无法获取足够的资源来满足其基本支出,而且其预算的 # %依赖外来资源。 MultiUn Although planned general-purpose expenditure in the biennium...
total alkali consumption 总碱耗 total chemical consumption 总药耗 total consumption expenditure 全部消费支出 相似单词 government n. 1. 政府 2. 治理的形式;政体 3. (一国的)统治,治理,统治方式,管理方法 consumption n. 1.[U]消费 2.[U]消费量 3.[C]购买 4.[C]疾病 5.[U]阅读 Total ...