You are not born a great pirate, but we give you the tools to make you a great pirate. Customize your own Flag under which your fleet will sail.
英文名称:Tortuga - A Pirate’s Tale 游戏类型:策略类(SLG)游戏 游戏制作:Gaming Minds Studios 游...
PC《托尔图加:海盗传说 Tortuga–A Pirate’s Tale》中文版下载v1.1.4.47547!由Kalypso Media发行,本作中玩家需要操作海盗舰队,从而在海上开启一场劫掠之旅,玩家需要不断推进剧情,劫掠其它舰队、升级船只等,一边提高自己的战斗力一边不断获得金钱和日荣誉。 《Tortuga-A Pirate’s Tale》讲述了一位渴望黄金与荣耀的...
Tortuga - a Pirate’s Tale tells the journey of a pirate captain with a lust for gold and glory who assumes command of a fleet of pirate ships to strike the Caribbean. He progresses on his journey, raiding trading convoys, upgrading the ships and, of cou
Tortuga: A Pirate’s Tale tells the story of your journey as a pirate captain in command of a fleet of pirate ships in the Caribbean, driven by greed for gold and glory and ready to strike fear upon the seas.
Buy online: Tortuga - A Pirate’s Tale tells the journey of a pirate captain with a lust for gold and glory who assumes command of a fleet of pirate ships to strike the Caribbean.
游戏名称:海盗岛:海盗传说 英文名称:Tortuga - A Pirate’s Tale 游戏类型:策略类(SLG)游戏 游戏...
Tortuga - A Pirate’s Tale 托尔图加—海盗传说的视频,攻略,评测,图片,评分,讨论, 帮助你判断是否好玩,发现更多相似好游戏及爱玩这些游戏的人
Here is the full list of all 26 Tortuga - A Pirate's Tale achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore.
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