BECOME THE PIRATE OF ALL PIRATES • You are not born a great pirate, but we give you the tools to make you THE great pirate. Customize your own Flag under which your fleet will sail. As you gain experience, your notoriety and skills will improve. Roleplay with more than 35 distinct ...
BECOME THE PIRATE OF ALL PIRATES • You are not born a great pirate, but we give you the tools to make you THE great pirate. Customize your own Flag under which your fleet will sail. As you gain experience, your notoriety and skills will improve. Roleplay with more than 35 distinct ...
Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen, prepare the cannons and let’s chase that Spanish Treasure fleet before we set course back to Tortuga. BECOME THE PIRATE OF ALL PIRATES You are not born a great pirate, but we give you the tools to make you a great pirate. Customize your own Flag und...
BECOME THE PIRATE OF ALL PIRATES • You are not born a great pirate, but we give you the tools to make you THE great pirate. Customize your own Flag under which your fleet will sail. As you gain experience, your notoriety and skills will improve. Roleplay with more than 35 distinct ...
With even bigger prizes in his sights, he will not stop until he is undisputedly the greatest pirate of the Caribbean. BECOME THE PIRATE OF ALL PIRATES• You are not born a great pirate, but we give you the tools to make you THE great pirate. Customize your own Flag under which ...
BECOME THE PIRATE OF ALL PIRATES • You are not born a great pirate, but we give you the tools to make you THE great pirate. Customize your own Flag under which your fleet will sail. As you gain experience, your notoriety and skills will improve. Roleplay with more than 35 distinct ...
BECOME THE PIRATE OF ALL PIRATES • You are not born a great pirate, but we give you the tools to make you THE great pirate. Customize your own Flag under which your fleet will sail. As you gain experience, your notoriety and skills will improve. Roleplay with more than 35 distinct ...
How does the morality system work? During your journey through the Caribbean, you should always keep an eye on the morale of your crew and captains. Nothing is less useful on the high seas than bad-tempered pirates who end up questioning their captain. ...
THE YEAR IS 1667 AND YOU ARE A PIRATE SAILING THE WATERS OF THE CARIBBEAN A Spanish Galleon floats nearby, and you’ve talked your crewmates into working together to steal all of its treasure. What you haven’t told your fellow pirates is that you have no intentions on sharing the ...
eye on the morale of the crew. While doing so, he tries to persuade fellow pirate captains to join his fleet, all with with their own ships and individual abilities. With even bigger prizes in his sights, he will not stop until he is undisputedly the greatest pirate of the Caribbean. ...