Abraham’s reference to himself asdust and ashesis probably an expression of humility, intended to salve God’s pride. After all, Abraham is attempting to teach a being who could kill him in an instant. Abraham asks if God would annihilate the whole city if there are fortytzadikim, then ...
Mark 12 Springboard from last chapter: Jesus left the scribes and elders with an unanswered question. He then begins to teach on the question by using parables. This is indicated by the first word in the chapter “and”. Jesus answered them that He was not going to tell […] ...
Since the end of the Prophetic era, because we now have God’s communicated word to us in writing, then to be a Prophet and a messenger means to teach people God’s written Word. Therefore, for Israel to ignore the Prophets’ messages to them, is the same as us ignoring God’s ...
The word torah comes from the roots yarah, which means to shoot, aim, or point to, and morah, meaning teacher. Therefore, the Torah is God’s instruction to His people. These instructions teach us how to live on this earth and point us to eternal life through Yeshua, who as the Word...
”The Modern Theologies also teach that we are now“led by the Spirit”and are no longer subject to“the Law.”Galatians 5 and Romans 7illustrate what it means to be led by the Spirit of God (to walk in the Spirit), Paul explains this is synonymous to obeying God’s Torah (...
to be filled with love, and that the purpose of wealth is to carry out our service to the Lord, to help others and to show our love for one another. Is it surprising see how the rabbis teach a very similar theology to what is taught by Yeshua and the disciples in the Aposto...
“From the hewer of wood to the drawer of water”—If you say that the woodchoppers and water-drawers are Israelites, doesn’t it already say “all the men of Israel” (Deut 29:9)? So then what does “from the hewer of wood to the drawer of water” teach us? It teaches that th...
In fact, it is considered an honor to be chosen to present a d’var Torah since presenting one fulfills the commandments to study Torah, to teach Torah, and allows one to remind others that the study and interpretation of Torah is for everyone and not restricted to rabbis. ...
BookofrulesBookofrules TheTorahcontainsTheTorahcontainslotsofinstructionslotsofinstructionsabouthowJewishabouthowJewishpeopleshouldlive.peopleshouldlive. Altogether,thereareAltogether,thereare613commandments613commandmentslikethis.likethis. TheytellJewishpeoplehowtopray,whattoeatTheytellJewishpeoplehowtopray,whattoeat...
By means of connections with both Torah and Wisdom literature, Psaim 78:1-8 introduces the psalm's recounting of Israel's history, framing it as a wisdom text whose purpose is to teach readers and transmit knowledge of and faith in Yahweh to the following generation. In addition to its ...