TOPSIS(Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution)方法是由C.L.Hwang和K.Yoon于1981年首次提出。TOPSIS方法是一种通过与理想化目标的接近程度进行排序的方法,主要用于对现有对象进行相对优劣评价。TOPSIS方法要求各效用函数具有单调递增或递减性。该方法在多目标决策分析中应用广泛...
TOPSIS算法是通过将待评对象与最优解、最劣解的距离来进行排序,若待评对象离最优解最近又离最劣解最远,测评结果为最优,得分最高,否则不为最优。 2.3C-TOPSIS研究 对于银行来说,优质的商户业务不仅能为银行吸收大量的存款及中间业务收入,还能通过提供后续的融资、贷款等衍生业务获取利润,通过TOPSIS算法分析商户价值...
cochlear. These include cochlates A (31) and B (32) featuring a 3,4-seco-9,10-seco-9,19-cyclo skeleton, as well as fornicatins D–F (33-35) and ganodercochlearins A–C (36-38). Fornicatins D (33) and F (35) were reported to lower both, the alanine aminotransferase (ALT...
TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution )法是C.L.Hwang和K.Yoon于1981年首次提出,TOPSIS法根据有限个评价对象与理想化目标的接近程度进行排序的方法,是在现有的对象中进行相对优劣的评价。TOPSIS法是一种逼近于理想解的排序法,该方法只要求各效用函数具有单调递增(或递减)...
目标C:指标1(0.6),指标2(0.4),指标3(0.5) 目标D:指标1(0.7),指标2(0.3),指标3(0.6) 接下来,我们按照TOPSIS法的步骤进行分析: 构造初始矩阵A: 目标 指标1 指标2 指标3 A 0.5 0.6 0.4 B 0.4 0.5 0.7 C 0.6 0.4 0.5 D 0.7 0.3 0.6 归一化处理:为了消除不同指标量纲的影响,我们需要对初始矩阵进行...
The energy produced by thermal solar plants does not have to be limited solely to hours of sunlight. It is possible to conceive a storage system and it is possible to extend the production of heat beyond the hours of full sunshine.The main aim of this paper is to propose and test the ...
摘要: Life cycle sustainability performance of alternative passenger vehicles is ranked.Intuitionistic fuzzy and TOPSIS methods are utilized as MCDM methods.Life cycle sustainability triangle is used for different indicator weighting scenarios.Hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles usually ranked as the most su...