In formal writing, the topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph (although it may be in the middle or end of the paragraph).Purpose of the Topic SentenceA topic sentence essentially tells readers what the rest of the paragraph is about. All sentences after it have to ...
1、主题句、连接词、常用句型写作(Topic sentences, conjunctions, and common sentence patterns)(1) thematic sentence writing;Topic sentence is the summary of the full text and the main idea of the article. It can play the role of touch in the article. Usually, the topic sentence appears at ...
In more advanced or creative forms ofacademic writing, you can play with the placement of topic sentences to build suspense and give your arguments more force. But if in doubt, to keep yourresearch paperclear and focused, the easiest method is to place the topic sentence at the start of th...
Paragraph Writing What is the structure of a paragraph? This is the staruscetunrteeonfcaeptaorateglrlatphhe! reader Generally speakwinhga, tthtehseeptharreaegdraifpfehreinst types of sentences paragraph: plamy adiifnfelyreanbt oroulte.s in a 1.Topic sentence; (主题句 ) 2.Supporting sentenc...
One of the biggest challenges in writing topic sentences is learning how much to include and how much to save for the rest of the paragraph. In short, you want to say just enough so that the reader knows what the paragraph is about, and ideally gets interested. Everything else should wai...
上一节我们讲了TS(Topic Sentences)对CC(Coherence and Cohesion)分数的影响,这节我们要专注的是TS对TR(Task Response)也就是写作任务回应情况的影响。 首先让我们先看个例子: 阅读以下题目,然后想一想如果是你,你会怎么回应所有的题目要求? 题目:Air pollution is a serious problem in many cities around the...
2.The distribution of topic sentences in Chinese and English paragraphs;英汉议论文段落主题句的类型分布 3.In order to verify Kaplan s hypothesis, in this study the author conducts a contrastive study on the using of topic sentence and thesis statement in English and Chinese argumentative writing.本...
Writingatopicsentence IneedawaterbottleforthehikeincaseIgetthirsty.Asweaterisusefulifitgetscold.Acompasswillhelpmegointherightdirection.Sandwicheswillbeaneasy-tocarrysnack.Icanuseacameratotakepicturesofunusualorattractiveplaces.A:No,itisn’t.Withoutacentralidea,agroupofsentencesisjustalist,andnotanactual...
II. Guided Writing(15分)Directions: Write topic sentences according to the instructions given below in Chinese.假如你是高中生李华,你从报纸上看到一则征稿启事,邀请读者讨论是否应该拿动物做实验。 你给该报投稿,阐述了自己对此问题的看法。IIIIIIII|.IIIIIIIIIII ...
Bodyparagraphsdevelopthewritingplan oroutline,andprovidesupporttothe thesis(mainideaofthepaper)statedin theintroduction. Whatisaparagraph?Whatisaparagraph? Aparagraphisagroupofrelated sentencesdevelopingasingletopic. Whatisaparagraph?Whatisaparagraph?