Thus, this is not a good topic sentence.,Writing Practice 1,Analysis of Sentence 2: XXX Polytechnic is beautiful. a. Subject: XXX College b. Controlling Idea: beautiful c. Limited: Yes d. Development: It is easy to develop this topic sentence. Beautiful environment of the college can be ...
Martin sweeps the4. Martin doesn't want tothe garbage out.Task 3 Sentence practice()★Answer the questions.(回答问题)1. Do Martin and Joe like their school?2. What do Martin and Joe like to do after class?3. What does Joe ask Martin to do first?4. Does Martin want to take the g...
Practice for topic sentence 1.The students in the class come from many different parts of the world. Some are from European countries such asFrance,SpainandItaly. Others are from Middle Eastern countries, like Arabia andItaly. Many are from Asian countries, likeJapan. The largest number are ...
Unit3TopicSentence Objectives •Studentsareexpectedtobeableto•(1)Understandthefunctionsandthebasicelementsofatopicsentenceforaparagraph•(2)Writeanappropriatetopicsentenceforaparagraph 1 Warm-upActivity Now,wehavedoneenoughpreparationforthistopic,let’smoveontheWarm-upactivityinUnit3.Let’spracticethe...
1、Topic sentence: If you have only a few hours between flights, Amsterdam is the perfect city to visit. A. The airport, Schiphol, is only 15 minutes from the city center. B. There is a direct train between the airport and the city center. C. The train leaves for the airport or ...
The following sentences support the topic sentence with precise descriptive details: 1. It is a Madeira folk guitar, all scuffed and scratched and finger-printed. 4. At the top is a bramble of copper-wound strings, each one hooked through the eye of a silver tuning key. ...
they may 5.a lot of difficulties.Forexample,the pronunciation(发音)and remembering words may be6._things formost language learners.Task3 Sentence practice(句子练习)★Choose the correct answer.(根据短文内容,选择正确的答案)()l.According to the first paragraph(第一段),what is learning a new ...
TOPIC sentence practice- Paragraph Coherence Decide which of the following sentences is the topic sentence. Then arrange the following sentences in the best order. Add transitions as needed. Combine any sentences as needed. Delete any unnecessary sentences.Exercise 1:1.We are bombarded with ...
How to Write Cause and Effect Essays How to Write a Reading Response Essay With Sample Papers Easy Words to Use as Sentence Starters to Write Better Essays 100 Expository Essay Topic Ideas, Writing Tips, and Sample Essays
People like 4.his books.He enjoys 5.Task 3 Sentence practice(句子练习)Choose the correct answer.(选择正确的答案)()1. Mo Yan is a ChineseA. writerB. doctorC. worker()2.He isfirst Nobel Literature Prize winner.A. England'sB. America'sC.China's()3. There aresuper writers in China....