How to Write Cause and Effect Essays How to Write a Reading Response Essay With Sample Papers Easy Words to Use as Sentence Starters to Write Better Essays 100 Expository Essay Topic Ideas, Writing Tips, and Sample Essays
1371officialexplorercaptain28east coastAfricahalf a centuryfirstillnessprideAfricasevenPost-listeningGrammarTask 3: Find a sentence in 1a that can express the meanings of the two better.Zheng He was a Ming dynasty explorer.Zheng He was a Ming dynasty explorer whom we Chinese people are proud of ...
2. Look for resources on each topic. Use what you've already written to Google search answers to questions, or to look for articles in your local library. Spend no more than an hour. 3. After you have done those two exercises, you will probably begin to realize that one of the two ...
early better Listento1aandfillintheblanks.Jane:…looktired…?Kangkang:…aheadache.Jane:…sorryto…?Kangkang:…watched…lastnightand…bedverylate.Jane:Stayinguplate…health...go…earlyand…feelbetter…Kangkang:…must…rest.Retell1a Arethesehabitsgoodorbad?goingtobedearly doingmorningexercises ...
Where can you find the topic sentence? The first sentence A kid is much more likely to choose a bicycle by its color by what model a friend than to think out more relevant considerations like price, durability or performance. More ominously, says Yale educational psychologist Robert J. Sternbe...
Task 2: Match the paragraphs with the topic sentences. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. Paragraph Topic Sentence 1. ___ No-one is expecting an interviewee to grin manically throughout the
Topicsentencetopic Everyonehopesthatheorshecanhaveahealthybody.Beingyourowndoctoristhemostimportantthingyoumustdoduringyourdailylife.Youshouldtakeyoursymptomsseriously.Don’tautomaticallydismissanythingas―hypochondria‖,―oldage‖or―mycrosstobear‖.Thisisespeciallytrueifasymptombeginsinterferingwithyourabilityto...
8.Thewholeclasschecktheiranswers.pre-readingtask. 3/8 work 1.Some1.Volunteerssummarize.1.Teacherasksthestudents students’Para1.Basketballistoskim1aandfindout work.oneofthemostpopularthetopicsentenceofeach sportsintheworldandparagraph. ithasalonghistory. ...
of the most important reading skills you will learn. If you can identify the topic of the reading, and the main idea (the point of an author wants to make about the topic), it will be much easier to understand the other information in the reading passage. Working through the exercises ...
3. The students are busy ___ (do) some exercises. 4. That’s a ___(hard) question. 5. There are four ___ (season) in a year. Ⅵ.完形填空。(10 分) It is well known that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why? 1 the weather in Britain often chang...