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Summary notes, revision videos and past exam questions by topic for Edexcel GCSE Biology Topic 6 – Plant Structures and their Functions
I/GCSE History: Hitler’s War Introduction: Part of the reason why Hitler, Mussolini, and Japan all wanted to grow and annex land was to lift their economies out of the Great Depression. In March 1939, Germany invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia: No resistance from Britain or France. Convinc...
A-level/high school etc examinationsThe school usually achieves good results in GCSE examinations.examination + NOUNexamination resultsYou will receive your examination results in the post.an examination paperThere will be a choice of questions on the examination paper.an examination questionRead the ...
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I/GCSE History: War Kindles The risk of war: Reoccupation of the Rhineland occurred in 1936 and was a clear breach of the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler took considerable risks: He could expect resistance from the French as he moved his army into the Rhineland. If they did resist by sending...
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participants were shown a nike ad with a white male model. In the joint presentation condition, participants were shown the same ad alongside a chinese shoe ad with a group of smiling models. Participants had to rate how much they liked the nike ad. The participants then took a test to me...