下面CG将GCSE生物topic1(细胞生物学)的关键术语做了整理汇总,正在备战秋季大考或学校模考的小伙伴马住收藏啦! Topic 1: Cell Biology(细胞生物学) Active transport(主动运输):利用呼吸作用产生的能量,使物质从较稀的溶液向较浓的溶液(逆浓度梯度)流动。 Adult stem cell(成体干细胞):一种可以形成多种细胞的干...
Topic 1 – Key concepts in biology (Topic 1 content is common to all the biology papers) (Topic 1 – Overarching concepts in biology) (Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Biology 1, Paper 1, Topic 1 "Key concepts in biology") You should be able to ... ◆ Be able to explain how the sub-cellular s...
1.12Beabletoexplaintheimportanceofenzymesasbiologicalcatalystsinthesynthesisofcarbohydrates,proteinsandlipidsandtheirbreakdownintosugars,aminoacidsandfattyacidsandglycerol ENZYMES-structure,function,optimumconditions,investigationexperimentsgcsebiologyrevisionnotes SeealsoEnzymesandBiotechnology(gcsechemistrynotes) 1.13BInvestigat...
A-level/high school etc examinationsThe school usually achieves good results in GCSE examinations.examination + NOUNexamination resultsYou will receive your examination results in the post.an examination paperThere will be a choice of questions on the examination paper.an examination questionRead the ...
Summary notes, revision videos and past exam questions by topic for Edexcel GCSE Biology Topic 6 – Plant Structures and their Functions
GCSE(英国之外的GCSE课程叫做International GCSE,简称IGCSE课程)学制两年,共有61门课程可以选择,其中有大家比较熟悉且擅长的Mathematics数学、Physics物理、Chemistry化学、Biology生物、history历史、Music音乐等。因为英国的教育体系比较人性化,学生可以结合个人情况自由选择并组合课程,所以大家可以选择自己感兴趣的课程,这样才能...
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• Hey, look on the bright side, at least it gives them a head start for their biology GCSEs.• Do not try to give yourself a head start by dieting earlier than you should.• This will give you a head start and make it difficult for the driver to follow.• He wouldn't be...
Physics textbook chapter 1 Edexcel IGCSE 138 terms welcometotheworld35Preview Edexcel IGCSE Biology Plant Nutrition, Transport, Gas Exchange 76 terms K033717Preview GCSE COMPUTER SCIENCE PAPER 1: ALL THEORY (EDEXCEL) 212 terms quackyduck324Preview Social Impact Theory- Edexcel AS L...
I/GCSE History: War Kindles The risk of war: Reoccupation of the Rhineland occurred in 1936 and was a clear breach of the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler took considerable risks: He could expect resistance from the French as he moved his army into the Rhineland. If they did resist by sending...