下面CG将GCSE生物topic1(细胞生物学)的关键术语做了整理汇总,正在备战秋季大考或学校模考的小伙伴马住收藏啦! Topic 1: Cell Biology(细胞生物学) Active transport(主动运输):利用呼吸作用产生的能量,使物质从较稀的溶液向较浓的溶液(逆浓度梯度)流动。 Adult stem cell(成体干细胞):一种可以形成多种细胞的干...
1.12Beabletoexplaintheimportanceofenzymesasbiologicalcatalystsinthesynthesisofcarbohydrates,proteinsandlipidsandtheirbreakdownintosugars,aminoacidsandfattyacidsandglycerol ENZYMES-structure,function,optimumconditions,investigationexperimentsgcsebiologyrevisionnotes SeealsoEnzymesandBiotechnology(gcsechemistrynotes) 1.13BInvestigat...
Summary notes, revision videos and past exam questions by topic for Edexcel GCSE Biology Topic 6 – Plant Structures and their Functions
GCSE English Language Revision GCSE Computer Science Revision A Level A Level Biology Revision A Level Chemistry Revision A Level Physics Revision A Level Psychology Revision A Level Business Revision A Level Sociology Revision A Level Political Studies Revision KS3 KS3 Science Revision KS...
A-level/high school etc examinationsThe school usually achieves good results in GCSE examinations.examination + NOUNexamination resultsYou will receive your examination results in the post.an examination paperThere will be a choice of questions on the examination paper.an examination questionRead the ...
Lesson 2 : Biology and Psychology 45個詞語 carla_jen20 預覽 Pec 11 13個詞語 Abby123743 預覽 Nightingale, Watson, Benner, Eriksson 33個詞語 epgarcia1895pam 預覽 Unit 1-Abnormal Psychology and Mental Health 老師34個詞語 Piyatastic 預覽 EMTECH (1ST LESSON) 10個詞語 sheylenefacundo099 預覽 WEEK...
I/GCSE History: Hitler’s War Introduction: Part of the reason why Hitler, Mussolini, and Japan all wanted to grow and annex land was to lift their economies out of the Great Depression. In March 1939, Germany invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia: No resistance from Britain or France. Convinc...
• Hey, look on the bright side, at least it gives them a head start for their biology GCSEs.• Do not try to give yourself a head start by dieting earlier than you should.• This will give you a head start and make it difficult for the driver to follow.• He wouldn't be...
Learn biology Students also studied Textbook solutions Flashcard sets Study guides Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology 13th Edition•ISBN: 9780073378275(6 more) David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis 1,458 solutions Hole's Human Anatomy and Physiology ...
GCSE(英国之外的GCSE课程叫做International GCSE,简称IGCSE课程)学制两年,共有61门课程可以选择,其中有大家比较熟悉且擅长的Mathematics数学、Physics物理、Chemistry化学、Biology生物、history历史、Music音乐等。因为英国的教育体系比较人性化,学生可以结合个人情况自由选择并组合课程,所以大家可以选择自己感兴趣的课程,这样才能...