Find out which universities are the best in the world for Chemistry. in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024.
Ranks the top ten universities in chemistry according to 'Science Watch,' a publication of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), which ranked the universities according to articles, reviews or notes appearing between 1984 and 1990. The top university is CalTech and Harvard University is ...
Chemistry Discover where to study with the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2020: Chemistry. The QS World University Rankings by Subject are based upon academic reputation, employer reputation and research impact (click here to read the full methodology). Use the interactive table below to...
Today, Nanjing University produces the country’s highest-profile chemistry research, owning two government-funded State Key Labs – theState Key Lab of Coordination Chemistryand theState Key Lab of Analytical Chemistry for Life Science– a very rare point of difference for a university in Chi...
2. Science for Energy and Sustainability 化学:能源和可持续发展技术 3. Molecular Science 分子科学方向 可春秋季入学 4. Chemistry of Life 生命化学方向 可春秋季入学 Computational Sciences(joint degree UvA/VU) 计算科学 2学费155...
Cardiff Metropolitan University - 卡迪夫城市大学 Royal Agricultural University - 皇家农业大学 Southampton Solent University - 南安普顿索伦特大学 Teesside University - 提塞德大学 The University of Winchester - 温切斯特大学 University College Birmingham - 伯明翰大学学院 University for the Creative Arts - 创意...
University of Oxford 牛津大学开设Chemistry课程,学制4年,毕业后授予MChem学位。 牛津大学重视教学和实践,科研经费充足,学生在第四年专攻研究,为期12-13周,而不是传统的8周。自1916年以来牛津化学专业就有这样的传统,也是牛津化学的一大特点。 牛津的化学课是不分Module的,每个专题的知识会分成不同难度分摊到3年的...
Master's Programme in European Studies, Double Degree Track with Fudan University 欧洲研究 (与复旦大学合作双学位课程) 申请截止日期12月3日 Master's Programme in European Studies, Double Degree-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2 years 欧洲研究 总学费176 000瑞典克朗(与美国没卡罗莱纳大学教...
into South China Institute of Technology, one of the first four institutes of technology in China then. Recognized for its excellence, SCUT has been among the national Project 211, Project 985, and Double-First-Class universities. The university now encompasses three campuses within the same city...
Colby College Off-Campus StudyAPPLYING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD科尔比学院的学生可以以访问学生的身份,在牛津大学进行注册,也是牛津大学的正式学生,学生可以同时享受到英美最顶尖的教育。科尔比学院允许学生可以在牛津学习一整年,也可以Hilary+Trinity两个学期在牛津学习。学生可以不受限制地使用所有大学设施,图书...