The Chemistry Major in VIU’s Bachelor of Science (BSc) program focuses on experiential learning in small classes and labs. Chemistry students, studying in the Major or Minor, have the opportunity to pursue undergraduate research with instructors who care about their success. Chemistry students can...
Undergraduate Study Mode On Campus All the faculty members in Chemistry Department have active research projects and publish their findings in a timely manner. Our department is one of the best-equipped chemistry department nationwide and compares favorably with other top universities... ... PART02 CO-OP 部分细分专业有带Co-op带薪实习,包括:材料工程、采矿工程和软件工程。其他细分专业的同学,依旧可以申请麦吉尔大学的EIP实习项目(Engineering Internship Program),学生可以...
Software Engineering 软件工程 【官方网站参考】 提供Co-op项目,学校提供短期4个月,或者长期8,12,16个月的实习机会。所有的工程学院学生都有机会获得带薪实习的机会,在申请时分为Engineering 1和Engineering Co-op 1 ,但是未能进入Co-op项...
As a first-generation immigrant, the first person in my family to finish an undergraduate education in the US, and the first soon-to-be physician in my family, I have always felt supported and welcomed in my graduate studies program. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who has...
“Future” Scheme. Through its 5I Model of Interdisciplinary collaboration, Industry-academia-research cooperation, Internationalization at home, In-depth engineering learning, and Integration between undergraduate and graduate programs, the university nurtures outstanding and innovative talents in engineering ...
1、首先第一种本科生科研资金支持叫Small Undergraduate Research Grant。 不像很多其它的学校在本科阶段帮学生去规划一些实验的方向、让他们跟着老师做实验,CMU更鼓励学生有一个自己有热情、感兴趣的学术方向,学生可以向学校提出相关的科研经费申请。 2、再有一个是本科生从大一就可以参与的科研机会,叫 Summer Undergra...
FUTURE OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS ,声明将对本科招生流程的五个方面进行改革,目前的个人陈述格式将会被...
1、首先第一种本科生科研资金支持叫Small Undergraduate Research Grant。 不像很多其它的学校在本科阶段帮学生去规划一些实验的方向、让他们跟着老师做实验,CMU更鼓励学生有一个自己有热情、感兴趣的学术方向,学生可以向学校提出相关的科研经费申请。 2、再有一个是本科生从大一就可以参与的科研机会,叫 Summer Undergra...
The university offers 63 undergraduate programs, 250 master’s programs and 28 postdoctoral programs. 上海交通大学开设63个本科项目,250个硕博项目和28个博士后项目。 It has multiple major subjects that are ranked within the global top 50, such as computer science, chemistry, and material science. ...