Q-tips were among the more ingenious inventions of the 1920s. Leo Gerstenzang, an American businessman, born in Poland, was named the inventor of Q-tips in 1923. However, Ziuta, his wife, played a very significant role in the discovery of the Q-tip. One day, while watching his...
When an American Presidential election happens, the whole world takes notice; this happens nowhere else in the world. How many people have drank Coke or Pepsi; or eaten at a McDonalds; or worn Nike shoes; or like an American cultural icon?This doesn't even really get into the sheer size...
Part 1 Lead-in Task 1Following are the pictures of the top ten valuable inventions of the 20" century. Work with your partner to match them with the right names.(1)(2)(3)(4)Search the Wet:(6)(7)(8)(9)10manmade satellite space shuttle television airliner personal computer mobile pho...
The ten finalists for America’s “Top Young Scientist of 2019” title include five Indian American teen students:Reshma Kosaraju of California, Jaya Choudhary of Michigan, Nishant Lahiri of New York, Camellia Sharma of Virginia, and Samyak Shrimali of Oregon. Unsurprisingly, there was the same...
The '80s: Top Ten: Con Rob Lowe, Mia Bankston, Jackie Breyer, Shawn DuBravac. Contiene sei stimolanti conti alla rovescia della top 10 della cultura pop degli anni '80, votati da una giuria di esperti. Compresi i momenti più memorabili, gadget, giocatto
developments. First, transportation was expanded. Second, electricity was effectively harnessed. Third, improvements were made to industrial processes. Many of these improvements were made possible by Americaninventors. Here is a look at ten of the most significant American inventors during the 19th ...
The world of movies is a realm where imagination meets reality on the big screen, transporting us to different times, places, and emotional states.
Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller was an American neo-futuristic architect, systems theorist, author, designer, and inventor. Fuller published more than 30 books, coining or popularizing terms such as "Spaceship Earth", ephemeralization, and synergetic. He also developed numerous inventions, mainly ...
Good morning 2020! A lot can change in ten years. Over the past decade, we’ve seen the start of a new race to Mars, the commercial release of self-driving cars, and the first photograph of a black hole. And over the next ten years, the changes are going to be even more incredibl...
Roger Charles Louis Guillemin (born January 11, 1924) is an American neuroscientist. He received the National Medal of Science in 1976, and the Nobel prize for medicine in 1977 for his work on neurohormones, sharing the prize that year with Andrew Schally and Rosalyn Sussman Yalow. ...