Set in the 1980s, this adaptation of Tom Clancy's novel follows CIA agent Jack Ryan, played by Harrison Ford, as he uncovers a covert war against South American drug cartels. The film presents a gripping, action-packed portrayal of the political intrigue and moral complexities ...
As tensions rise between environmentalists, loggers, and Native American tribes vying for control over resources in this contested area, this terrifying creature serves as both a potent symbol for humanity's environmental transgressions and an unforgettable antagonist within the genre of giant monster ...
[高中英语下期高考模拟] The following list of books centers on joyful African-American children. Each title can provide a unique reading experience for your family's storytime.A Girl Like Me, written by Angela Johnson, illustrated(插图)by Nina CrewsNot many children's books feature contemporary ph...
2025 Get Started Right Writing... Get your writing goals started right in 2025 with the second ever Get Started Right Writing Challenge. The final day of this writing challenge involves 30 minutes of whatever you desire (as long as it benefits your writing). ...
Leigh Bardugo(Israeli-American) Ninth Houseis really gritty and dark, so not for the faint of heart. An amazing urban fantasy that has a lot of relevant themes in it, like the rich getting away with almost anything. Plus, many different kinds of magic and a rather pragmatic main character...
From 1919 to 1939, the woman finds a newfound sense of freedom and is dazzled at how wondrous the world grows around her. With great inventions and big dreams, the prospect of falling in love feels all the closer for this woman. But will love survive in a chaotic world that seems to ...
a-z list of black and african-american inventors and inventions updated: 2023-3-6 4:39:0 1,2,3 many black inventorsstruggled through hardship, poverty, and, in some circumstances, slavery. still, they prevailed and proved their genius to the world. the following are but a few of the ...
An easy-to-scan alphabetical list of famous inventions and innovations, plus photos and links to additional information, biographies, and timelines.
The Greatest Black Actresses Of All Time Claudette Colvin: The Teenager Who Refused To Give Up Her Seat Before Rosa Parks Did 15 Incredible Facts About Madam CJ Walker, The First American Female Millionaire 15 Surprising And Little-Known Facts About Martin Luther King Jr. ...
Shirley Chisholm was the first African American woman elected to Congress. She served in the U.S. House of Representatives for New York from 1969-1983. Other women featured on this roundup of top Black female politicians include Kamala Harris, Carol Moseley Braun, and Fannie Lou Hamer. W...