One night in his near-empty London tower block, screenwriter Adam has a chance encounter with mysterious neighbor Harry, puncturing the rhythm of his everyday life. As a relationship develops between them, Adam finds himself drawn back to his childhood home, where his parents appear to be livin...
It is based on the short novel Father and Daughter by the 20th century novelist and critic Kazuo Hirotsu, and was adapted for the screen by Ozu and his frequent collaborator, screenwriter Kogo Noda. The film was written and shot during the Allied Powers' Occupation of Japan and was subject...
Jim Cummings, who writes, directs, and stars in his self created horror-comedy offering about a killer werewolf, delivers a film named The Wolf of Snow Hollow (2020) which has sprinklings of both Fargo (1996) and The Silence of the Lambs (1991) mixed in with an appropriate amount of ...
The fourth and final installment of the popular Airport film franchise, The Concorde…Airport ’79 (1979) has an appealing and sophisticated international flavor, mainly French culture, that may turn off some viewers seeking a more traditional and domestic offering. The three previous installments con...
He decides to indulge his long-time fantasy of becoming a private detective by placing a newspaper ad offering his services-and gets more than he bargains for with his first case. Screenwriter Neville Smith’s clever dialog is infused with just enough shadings of Chandler and Hammet to deflect...
Admittedly, there’s a terrific action sequence in director-screenwriter Christian Gudegast’s follow-up to his overlong 2018 heist thriller. Unfortunately, the superbly orchestrated car chase/shootout, taking place both in a tunnel and on winding mountain roads, occurs nearly two hours into this ...
He also reps screenwriter Allison Schroeder (“Hidden Figures”), who is set to script “Heart of Stone” and “Stuntman” for Skydance, “Rose Red” for Disney and “Minecraft” for Warners. Other clients include showrunner Sara Hess (HBO’s “House of the Dragon”) and actor Rachel ...
Act as a Screenwriter 担任编剧 Contributed by:@devisasari I want you to act as a screenwriter. You will develop an engaging and creative script for either a feature length film, or a Web Series that can captivate its viewers. Start with coming up with interesting characters, the setting of...
music Music Exec Jody Gerson to Be Honored at Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Gala These Branded Residences in Nantucket Give You All the Perks of Hotel Life 3 weeks ago Billboard Staff’s Greatest Pop Stars of 2024: No. 4 — Chappell Roan
I briefly touched on Devotion and how terrifying that game was as well. Now that we’re talking about the best first-person horror games, I can shed some light on why I think Devotion should be on this list. Devotion sees you play as screenwriter, Du Feng-yu, who, after his daughter...