One night in his near-empty London tower block, screenwriter Adam has a chance encounter with mysterious neighbor Harry, puncturing the rhythm of his everyday life. As a relationship develops between them, Adam finds himself drawn back to his childhood home, where his parents appear to be livin...
Joel Kim Booster leads the ensemble, both as the main character and as the film's screenwriter, alongside Saturday Night Live's Bowen Yang. The film delivers laughs with heart, offering sharp social commentary and celebrating the joy and solidarity within the queer community. Released: 2022 ...
Aware of lukewarm reviews by other critics I desperately washed those aside and settled in for a macabre, dark ghostly British thriller. The film is quite good! Feeling fresh and with a polished cinematic look, I’d describe it as a modern British offering despite being set long ago. For c...
If Airport 1975 weren’t so damned fun it would be offensive since it’s riddled with gender stereotypes. Screenwriter, Don Ingalls, composes a project so fraught with machismo and masculinity, that the female characters have little chance to do much of anything without being saved by a man....
Screenwriter:Taz Skylar, Archie Maddocks Cast: Taz Skylar Stephen Odubola Craige Middleburg Jelena Gavrilovic Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.Sign up for our newsletter to get your city's hidden gems and cultural spots away from the crowds. Enter email address By entering your...
He also reps screenwriter Allison Schroeder (“Hidden Figures”), who is set to script “Heart of Stone” and “Stuntman” for Skydance, “Rose Red” for Disney and “Minecraft” for Warners. Other clients include showrunner Sara Hess (HBO’s “House of the Dragon”) and actor Rachel ...
I briefly touched on Devotion and how terrifying that game was as well. Now that we’re talking about the best first-person horror games, I can shed some light on why I think Devotion should be on this list. Devotion sees you play as screenwriter, Du Feng-yu, who, after his daughter...
Guided Tour in Cannes by a Screenwriter: History, Glamour & Cinema 32 From £42.40 Transfer Nice Airport To Cannes or Transfer Cannes To Nice Airport 15 From £101.78 per group Ferry from Cannes to St Tropez 186 From £70.12 Ferry from Cannes to the island Ste Marguerite ...
Andrew Haig directs the film and Andrew Scott plays the screenwriter from which the story is his vehicle. Paul Mescal plays his neighbor and love interest. Haigh is best known for efforts like 45 Years (2015) and Lean on Pete (2017). Both are quiet films and character-driven. All of us...
Watching the brief thirty-one-minute offering I fantasized about a full-length feature or even a television series based on the story and characters. Since it’s short we get right down to business quickly. One day Silva (Pedro Pascal) rides a horse across the desert to Bitter Creek to vi...