讨论关于FF14战场PVP的看法如题: 现在有很多玩家批评FF14内的PVP建设的不好,由于本人没有进过战场,因为实在是不好排,所以就属抛砖引玉了,其中有很多不当之处,各位吃瓜群众不要喷我啊 1.PVP战场能否以部队,通讯贝,固定队为单位进行,并与排名晋级有关联,这样能更丰富玩法,也能增加部队,通讯贝,固定队内的粘性...
www.ff14pvp.top服务器iP: 当前解析: 子域名查询备案查询Whois 历史解析记录: 2023-11-11---2025-02-1860.28.220.195 2024-02-18---2025-02-1843.159.99.100 2024-02-18---2025-02-18111.123.250.125 2024-02-18---2025-02-1843.159.99.102 2024-02-18-...
PvP, or Player vs Player, is a great way to beat up on the enemy faction in World of Warcraft. The War Within update shook things up with several classes, changing the meta and how these classes rank against each other. I am mostly focusing this tier list on Solo Shuffle and 3v3 Aren...
FF14 Best Healer - What's the Best Job For Healing? [Top 15] FF14 Best Addons Everyone Should Use FF14 Best Ways To Make Gil (Top 10 Methods) FF14 Best PvP Class That Are OP FF14 Best Potions And How To Get Them FF14 Best Ways To Level Up Fast [Top 3] FF14 Best Crafting ...
If you’re stepping into FF14 for the first time, you have hundreds of hours of high quality story that features great voice acting, intense cutscenes, and action-packed gameplay. That’s hundreds of hours of content without even touching the traditional ‘MMO stuff’, which can keep you bu...
In this particular article, we’re focusing on a specific aspect of the latter; which ones have the highest damage output. The resulting numbers were 90% drawn from FFLogs’ high content statistics, selecting jobs that showed up most in the top 10 spots, then assigning points from 1-10 fo...
9 Years of Shadows is a classic Metroidvania that takes place in Talos, a cursed castle. Europa and her friend Apino will be the heroes who can save this place. Use your elemental powers to bring Talos back to life. Return the colors to a place consumed by darkness. ...
FF14- is quite populated from what I see and with such active community. Like someone mentioned too much contend which spreads the population too wide. GW2 has healthy population for sure, but just like in WOW ppl are there more for the nostalgia. Unfortunately GW2 could not deliver even ...
The damage players do in pvp and actually still one shot people is just boring and just flatout bad for any one who wants to step it.(cant believe I am saying that, but sadly its true) the longer fights in arena where it felt getting a perfect cc chain realy mattered felt way better...