Google is your best friend..Okay maybe this time I will do it one last time okay! gosh dangit. I feeling lazy but I will do it for the peoples! *braveheart* https:/...
Reddit for FFXIV Mog Station FFXIV@Google+ Database, Info & Guide sites: XIVDB Eorzea Reborn FFXIV Guild Mr. Happy's YouTube channel FFXIV Info Guides for new players: Class Guides Starting Stats and Gods What Stats Do How to get a chocobo Job sub-classes Materia Guide Crafting & Gatherin...
With a bit of effort, Reddit user Princess_Triela went through the trouble of even pulling off the Final Fantasy XIV PvP build Limit Break for the Machinist class to capture an iconic sniper rifle shot. A pistol attained through the recently brought back Garo event suits this Akemi cosplay w...