By offering an intimate perspective on this tragic event, the movie serves as a powerful reminder of the need for love, understanding, and the fight against hate-fueled violence. Released: 2002 Directed by: Roger Spottiswoode 36 Get Real Ben Silverstone, Brad Gorton, Charlotte Brittain 666 votes...
Free Fall, a poignant German drama, tells the story of Marc, a married police officer who begins a tumultuous affair with his male colleague, Kay. The film explores the protagonists' internal struggles with their sexual identities and societal expectations, provoking viewers to consider the depths...
bears much of the brunt. As he callously shouts at police officer Powell (Reginald VelJohnson), he also frets at the mayor’s reaction to the handling of the situation with repeated ‘the mayor will have my ass’ remarks.
Marc Borgmann is a young police officer, fresh out of the academy, living with his very pregnant girlfriend, Bettina. They are temporarily staying with Marc’s parents until the baby is born. Seemingly happy, Marc befriends a recruit, Kay, and they begin a ritual of jogging together in th...
police detective played by Steve McQueen, the embodiment of ’60s-era cool, goes after mobsters in the city. MovieStillsDB He drives the famous green ’68 Mustang Fastback, like a madman. 'Bullitt' also stars Robert Vaughn, Jacqueline Bisset, and Don Gordon. Robert Duvall makes an ...
Sherman repped music publisher Concord in December for a $1.8 billion bond offering backed by Apollo. Sherman also worked for Concord acquiring music publishing and sound recording rights of Phil Collins, Genesis and others. Sherman was involved with three of 2022’s top 10 music deals. Other ...
Synopsis: A police detective in the asteroid belt, the first officer of an interplanetary ice freighter, and an earth-bound United Nations executive slowly discover a vast conspiracy that threatens the Earth's rebellious colony on the asteroid belt. Along the way, evidence of alien life is disco...
From the first 10% stake that Tencent partners took in 2019 through September’s $53 billion launch on the Euronext Amsterdam in September, the largest initial public offering in the history of the music business, Universal Music’s legal team guided the process that not only lifted the company...
Jennifer was interviewed 3 times by the police. During the third interview, the interrogating officer falsely told Pan that he had computer software that could analyze lies in statements and that there were satellites using infrared technology to analyze movements in her home. In Canada,police are...
A police officer on terminal leave before retirement finds himself in a bar where he suddenly realizes the art on the walls shifts and reveals pictures of serial killers from the last twenty years. And his best friend and former partner, who is still on active duty, is there on the wall ...