Free Fall, a poignant German drama, tells the story of Marc, a married police officer who begins a tumultuous affair with his male colleague, Kay. The film explores the protagonists' internal struggles with their sexual identities and societal expectations, provoking viewers to consider the depths...
The uneasy balance between these worlds is soon shattered when she witnesses the fatal shooting of her childhood best friend at the hands of a police officer. Facing pressure from all sides of the community, Starr must find her voice and decide to stand up for what's right. Released: 2018...
The name of the movie is pretty fitting, as it's about a bounty hunter (played by Eastwood) trying to chase down a woman who drives a prized pink Cadillac. While the visuals in the movie were pretty great, it was not one of Eastwood's most successful outings. It was received quite p...
The film wisely throws in a handful of supportive characters, like the police force as a whole- teaching and recognizing diversity and inclusion, and a fellow cop who is supportive of the situation with Marc and Kay, but most of the characters come across as harsh and unfeeling to same-sex...
Queenmaker is a South Korean political drama series that follows Hwang Do-Hee, a skilled public relations officer, as she navigates the complexities of political campaigns to transform a human rights lawyer, Oh Seung-Sook, into the next mayor of Seoul. The series explores themes of power, just...
During the third interview, the interrogating officer falsely told Pan that he had computer software that could analyze lies in statements and that there were satellites using infrared technology to analyze movements in her home. In Canada,police are legally allowed to lie to those they are ...
A police officer confirmed that no arrests have been made thus far, and the investigation is ongoing. It is reported that the victim's statement was recorded today. Based on the woman's complaint, police said, a case has been registered against Badoli and Rocky under sections 376 D (gang...
Chinese police closed 168,000 cases of financial crime and recovered 35.6 billion yuan (5.2 billion U.S. dollars) last year, the Ministry of Public Security announced on Monday. Qihoo 360 cracks ransomware virus The unprecedented spread of ransomware that has swept across more than 100 countries...
Dhawan told IANS. These early sacrifices and hard work eventually paid off, propelling him to where he is today as an internationally renowned cricketer. Through his foundation, Dhawan aims to make a positive impact on the lives of these children, offering them both material and moral support....
Being chastised repeatedly for not seeing the film on the biggest movie theater screen imaginable, I watched this offering on the plane primarily out of curiosity to see what all the fuss was about. In a nutshell, I thought the visuals and action/adventure sequences up in the sky were secon...