Free Fall, a poignant German drama, tells the story of Marc, a married police officer who begins a tumultuous affair with his male colleague, Kay. The film explores the protagonists' internal struggles with their sexual identities and societal expectations, provoking viewers to consider the depths...
Along the way, they encounter various challenges and bond over shared experiences, offering a heartwarming exploration of friendship, family, and self-discovery. With its flamboyant costumes and iconic soundtrack, the movie remains a beloved classic in LGBTQ+ cinema. Released: 1994 Directed by: ...
dollars in emergency humanitarian aid as part of its support for relief efforts by the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) in northeast Nigeria. Interview: Greece, China transforming Piraeus port into shining star: manager Years since Chinese giant COSCO Shipping's arrival at Piraeus port, ...
But the central government has been consistently extending its support, as required by the state government, it added. In the report, the MHA noted that the Centre took a series of immediate and sustained measures to deal with the emerging situation in the troubled state. During his visit to...
Scam artists sometimes pose as bogus police, offering to guide you to somewhere safe, but often they will lure you to a shop where they get commission kickbacks or god forbid– somewhere worse where you are robbed. I was lost in the streets ofMarrakesh, when a friendly officer offered to...
DeSantis’ term as governor runs out in 2026, putting the state’s top executive office back on the ballot and offering its own political possibilities. With DeSantis expected to consider another presidential run in 2028, Florida politicos say it may not be to his advantage to appoint himself...
We're not sure where Seacrest County Police Department gets its funding, but turning one of the 5 Pagani Zonda Cinques in the world into a police car, complete with siren and light bar, suggests it's some sort of justice-crazed billionaire. Has anyone checked in on Bruce Wayne recently?
The film was a robust offering because its political satire was fresh. The ironic controversy between the two leaders, nearly sixty years after the film was released, is unintentionally clever. The acting is excellent. Peter Sellers plays three prominent roles. Each is quite different from the ot...
conspiracy 1 If you are a police officer and you are unwilling to run toward gunfire, to protect little kids... Quit. Quit tomorrow. Find another job. Home Depot is hiring. Do something else. 7324 bicycling 1 2+ years of cycling and I'm still a happy idiot on a bike 36067 Empire...
Police forces across the UK are latching onto drone solutions and how they can benefit operations. Check out our top drones for police