The film, directed by Alan Parker, is an intense exploration of one man's fight for freedom in a brutal and unforgiving system. It scooped up two Oscars, including Best Adapted Screenplay (Oliver Stone) and Best Original Score (Giorgio Moroder). Notable for its raw depiction of prison life...
Police forces across the UK are latching onto drone solutions and how they can benefit operations. Check out our top drones for police
Axon partnered with the Scottish courts, government and police at a national level to build a nationwide digital evidence management system. The Scotland Digital Evidence Sharing Capability (DESC) is a unified database accessible to police, legal professionals, and courts to streamline evidence sharing...
Every post that makes it to the front page of r/all Updated daily Stored in markdown format (see first day of 2020 for example) Sorted by highest score achieved Written in Go BoltDB for persistence Uses word_cloud to generate the word cloud...
The Niagara Regional Police are offering a $100,000 reward as they investigate the fatal shootings of Juliana Pannunzio, 20, of Windsor and Christine Crooks, 18, of Toronto. Police say it is believed they were shot on Jan. 19 while attending a birthday party at a short-term rental (Airbn...
Being chastised repeatedly for not seeing the film on the biggest movie theater screen imaginable, I watched this offering on the plane primarily out of curiosity to see what all the fuss was about. In a nutshell, I thought the visuals and action/adventure sequences up in the sky were secon...
It will benefit the victims and their families. Gadkari informed that the government would work on introducing three suggestions or active safety measures to prevent accidents in commercial, especially heavy vehicles: electronic stability control, emergency braking system and driver drowsiness audio-alert ...
The film was a robust offering because its political satire was fresh. The ironic controversy between the two leaders, nearly sixty years after the film was released, is unintentionally clever. The acting is excellent. Peter Sellers plays three prominent roles. Each is quite different from the ot...
In Pakistan, the most common scamming system is disguising as military personnel on social media and online dating sites. Scammers pretend to be soldiers on duty in Pakistan. It is an honor to date a soldier or chat with military personnel, especially a high-ranking officer. This is why man...
You could also opt for professional monitoring, wherein the system stays up and running -- even if the internet goes out. No annual contract is necessary, but you still have to pay (even for self-monitoring) a minimum of $10 per month. You can call or email for tech support. Pros Sc...