This influential documentary delves into the vibrant world of New York City's ball culture and drag scene in the late 1980s, shedding light on the often-marginalized LGBTQ+ community. Featuring personal stories from transgender and drag performers, the film highlights the importance of chosen famili...
Geriatric psychiatry is a specialized field focusing on the mental health of older adults, addressing conditions such as dementia, depression, and anxiety. It involves understanding how aging affects mental health and tailoring treatments to the unique needs of elderly patients. This field emphasizes th...
yes. Online therapy has been shown to be just as effective as in-person therapy in treating a wide variety of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and addiction. It is not recommended for more serious mental health issues, like severe depression, schizophrenia, or for situations...
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Step 1: Create a New Email Message The first step involved in sending a fax using a Gmail is to click on the icon labeled “compose” after logging in your email or if you do not have an email after creating one and logged in. When you click on the icon named compose, the icon wi...
Typically a listing of former/current medical conditions experienced by the patient, for example: hypertension, depression or type 2 diabetes. PRN: as needed (Latin: pro re nata). Indicates that medication should be taken only when necessary; for example, for relief of symptoms such as pain, ...
Find Plans by State Medicare Plans Choosing a Health Plan Conditions Over the Counter Drugs Breast Cancer Lung Cancer Depression ADHD Diabetes Heart Disease AboutU.S. News Editorial Guidelines Contact Press Advertise Newsletters Jobs Site Map Store...
There are certain mental health conditions which are connected with gender dysphoria, including depression and anxiety which gender affirming surgery will also help to address. Which surgeries an individual chooses as part of their gender reassignment journey is down to their own personal identification ...
Depression Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Schizoaffective Disorder Schizophrenia Mental Health Treatment Start Your Healing Journey Today Contact Us Addiction Treatment Levels of Care Residential / Inpatient Partial Hospitalization (PHP) Intensive Outpatient (IO...
However, side effects associated with cancer drugs may act as a restraint to the market growth. Cancer drugs may lead to side effects such as neutropenia, lymphedema, hair loss, nausea, and vomiting. It may also include rare side effects such as tiredness, trouble eating, and depression. ...