意思是verilog文件(.v)里的模块名和顶层实体名(Top-level design entity,通常就是.v文件的文件名)不一致。例如模块名是modelsim_test,而工程目录下的verilog文件名是simulate。需要将modelsim_test修改为simulate就能解决问题。
Quartus12007Top-leveldesignentityisundefined异常原因 Quartus12007Top-leveldesignentityisundefined异常原因好久没有⽤FPGA了,最近重新使⽤FPGA练习下数字电源。可第⼀个Bug就花了我1个⼩时,惭愧ing。为了以后⾃⼰能长个记性,也为了帮助学弟学妹们少⾛弯路。因此,将这个问题记录下来。过程:使⽤Quattus...
针对您遇到的错误 Error (12007): Top-level design entity "project1" is undefined,以下是一些具体的解决步骤和建议,帮助您解决此问题: 1. 确认错误信息的上下文 此错误通常出现在使用Altera Quartus Prime等FPGA设计软件进行项目编译时。这意味着Quartus Prime在尝试编译项目时未能找到名为“project1”的顶层设计实...
we have problem in compiling VHDL code in Quartus II software. Every time we compile it shows the Error:top level design entity " file name" is undefined. We are even taking care of the case sensitivity. Our file name, new created project name and entity name ...
Error:Top-level design entity "Verilog1" is undefined 最近在玩QUARTUS 本人用的时VERILOG HDL硬件描述语言! 初学者,见谅! 答案 Most likely you named the project something different than your top-level entity/module/filename. (Type depends on source, where entity=VHDL, module=Verilog, and filenam...
拿到Quartus II下编译的时候出现错误,说是“Error: Top-level design entity "count" is undefined”...
Error: Top-level design entity "demo" is undefined 原因:顶层模块的module名没有和工程名同名 解决方法:把顶层模块 module名改成和工程名同名 最近在玩QUARTUS 11遇到此问题! 问题补充:本人用的时VERILOG HDL硬件描述语言! 答案: 菜单Assignments -> Settings......
没写定义实体(entity).entity fir_rom1 is port(。。。);end entity fir_rom1;