The median salary was $54k; top employers included UK HealthCare, University of Kentucky, Fayette County Public Schools, Baptist Health, Lexmark, and Amazon. The majority of those continuing their education elected to stay at the University of Kentucky. Enrollment: 22,735 (undergraduate); 8,812...
简介:ISEB即Independent School Exam Board,为英国私立中学提供入学考试服务。 考试内容:包括Common Pre-test预考、11+和13+的Common Entrance考试,以及13+CE学术奖学金考试。考试科目通常包括英语、数学、科学,以及一些选修科目。 UKiset考试 简介:UK Independent Schools Entry Test,为9至17岁的非英语母语学生设计的...
一、英国私立高中排名TOP 10 《星期日泰晤士报》Times最近发布了2024年英国私立高中排名(The top independent secondary schools) Top 1. 圣保罗女子中学 St Paul's Girls' School A-Level、GCSE、IB综合成绩排名:英国第1A-Level得分A*-B比例:97.4%GCSE得分A*/A/9/8/7比例:99% 是英国九大公学之一,招收11-18...
Canford School is one of the UKs top independent coeducational senior full boarding schools for pupils aged 13 to 18, located in Dorset in the South of England.
UKiset考试 简介:UK Independent Schools Entry Test,为9至17岁的非英语母语学生设计的在线入学考试。 考试内容:考试包括逻辑推理(文字和非文字)、空间能力、数理逻辑、英语和创意写作部分。这项考试被超过240所英国私立中学用作入学筛选的标准之一。 CAT4考试 ...
图源| schools/cheltenham-ladies-college/在英国私立中学排名 Parent Power 2021中,切尔滕纳姆女子中学(Cheltenham Ladies' College)被评为“英国西南地区的最佳私校”。这对龙凤胎兄妹,“哥哥”和“妹妹”你更钟意哪一所呢?05 Canford School VS Bedford School 这两所学校,...
图源| schools/cheltenham-ladies-college/ 在英国私立中学排名 Parent Power 2021中,切尔滕纳姆女子中学(Cheltenham Ladies' College)被评为“英国西南地区的最佳私校”。 这对龙凤胎兄妹,“哥哥”和“妹妹”你更钟意哪一所呢?
图源| schools/cheltenham-ladies-college/ 在英国私立中学排名 Parent Power 2021中,切尔滕纳姆女子中学(Cheltenham Ladies' College)被评为“英国西南地区的最佳私校”。 这对龙凤胎兄妹,“哥哥”和“妹妹”你更钟意哪一所呢?
activities, and excellent pastoral care, it provides a nurturing environment for student development. In 2024, The Telegraph newspaper ranked the school third in theirannual rundown of independent schools for A Levels (overall)and second for A Level results among UK independent boarding schools. ...
but are considering relocating) and you and your family are researching some of the best private schools in Midlothian there is a big choice of high quality Midlothian schools, with a number of the Midlothian ’s highest ranking Independent schools considered to be some of the best in the UK...