The median salary was $54k; top employers included UK HealthCare, University of Kentucky, Fayette County Public Schools, Baptist Health, Lexmark, and Amazon. The majority of those continuing their education elected to stay at the University of Kentucky. Enrollment: 22,735 (undergraduate); 8,812...
一、英国私立高中排名TOP 10 《星期日泰晤士报》Times最近发布了2024年英国私立高中排名(The top independent secondary schools) Top 1. 圣保罗女子中学 St Paul's Girls' School A-Level、GCSE、IB综合成绩排名:英国第1A-Level得分A*-B比例:97.4%GCSE得分A*/A/9/8/7比例:99% 是英国九大公学之一,招收11-18...
图源| schools/cheltenham-ladies-college/在英国私立中学排名 Parent Power 2021中,切尔滕纳姆女子中学(Cheltenham Ladies' College)被评为“英国西南地区的最佳私校”。这对龙凤胎兄妹,“哥哥”和“妹妹”你更钟意哪一所呢?05 Canford School VS Bedford School 这两所学校,...
Top state secondary schools in London 1 Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet 伊丽莎白女王学校Queen Elizabeth’s School,Barnet 是伦敦公立学校里最好的男子学校之一,位于环境优美的巴内特Barnet自治市。 学校的学生主要是英国白人,也有多数来自欧洲白人家庭的学生。在确保学生们能够完全掌握课程的基础上,积极培养学生的...
图源| schools/cheltenham-ladies-college/ 在英国私立中学排名 Parent Power 2021中,切尔滕纳姆女子中学(Cheltenham Ladies' College)被评为“英国西南地区的最佳私校”。 这对龙凤胎兄妹,“哥哥”和“妹妹”你更钟意哪一所呢?
Top Private Independent Secondary Schools & Colleges In London, UK Some of the best Independent Secondary schools and colleges and Sixth Form schools and colleges in London, Great Britain providing a top-tier, world-class British day and boarding single-sex and mixed education for boys and girls...
Hammersmith’s private education sector features day schools and boarding schools, girls’ schools, boys’ schools and co-educational (mixed) schools, including leading private Nurseries, Prep Schools, Independent Secondary and Sixth Form schools and colleges. Find Private Schools In Hammersmith UK (...
Canford School is one of the UKs top independent coeducational senior full boarding schools for pupils aged 13 to 18, located in Dorset in the South of England.
Education Advisers specialise in offering impartial advice and assistance on school placements, working with a number of schools both in the UK and worldwide. Click hereto watch a video by our Chairman, Les Webb, on factors to consider when choosing an international IB school. If you are intere...
拉格比镇最古老的大街便是以学校创始人劳伦斯·谢里夫(Lawrence Sheriff)命名。 图源| 今年开始,拉格比公学(Rugby School)将开设IB课程,Sixth Form学生可在IB课程和A-Levels之间自由选择。拉格比公学是九大公学中第二所开办IB课程的公学,第一所是切特豪斯...