在香港,除了DSE课程之外,IBDP课程也备受家长青睐。每年涌入香港修读IB的学子络绎不绝,这并非偶然,而是因为香港学校年年盛产IB状元!这些学校的成绩在各大排名中屡次霸榜。最近英国升学网站公布的全球TOP100排名中,香港地区更是占据了19所学校的位置! 向上...
二、IB排名靠前的香港学校-英基学校协会 香港英基学校协会(The English Schools Foundation,简称ESF),早于 1967年由港英政府成立,为当时在香港的英国儿童提供教育,是香港历史最悠久的国际学校机构,现如今,ESF已经成为香港最具代表性的国际学校之一,也是香港乃至亚洲最大的国际学校,辖下共有22间学校。 1.香港英基学校...
Top 10 Secondacy schools in Guangzhou The High School Affiliated to South China Normal University, View admission letter Guangzhou Guangya Middle School View admission letter Guangdong Experimental Middle School View admission letter High School Affiliated to Guangzhou University ...
For Schools Top IB Schools in China 2023This league table lists the Best IB Schools in China (excluding Hong Kong) based on their academic success in terms of average points in the IB Diploma Programme for 2023.We try to obtain most of the IBDP results of the larger international schools ...
Fettes(费蒂斯中学)的学生们在2024年的IB考试中拿到了平均38分的优异成绩,这也是自2018年以来Fettes(费蒂斯中学)取得的最佳成绩。 在本次IB考试中,有近三分之一的学生拿到了40分及以上的成绩,56%的学生的最终成绩都超过了38分。此外分别有一名学生拿到了满分45...
IB,全称International Baccalaureate,是国际文凭(International Baccalaureate)的缩写,由成立于1968年的国际文凭组织(International Baccalaureate Organization,简称IBO)负责管理、设计和颁发。 IB课程与A-level、AP等课程并称全球三大高中课程体系,旨在为3-19岁的学生提供智力、情感、个人发展、社会技能等方面的教育,使其获得...
based on the average points achieved by all students taking the IB Diploma in 2024. Please be aware that many European schools do not publish their results and are therefore not included in the table. This table also incudes EEA schools but does not include the UK which has its own tables...
整体来看,在Best Schools 2023全球IB成绩最佳学校TOP10的学校中,中国香港有3所学校入榜(去年是两所),排名第一的是俄罗斯联邦的Letovo School,去年也是如此。中国大陆地区没有IB学校入榜TOP10。 在TOP10之外,中国大陆地区有8所学校上榜,分别是: 上海德威外籍人员子女学校(并列23位); ...
What are some of the British schools in Khalifa City Abu Dhabi? Crescent International Private School is a well-known British curriculum school in Khalifa City Abu Dhabi. Are there any IB schools in Khalifa City Abu Dhabi? Yes, those on the lookout for IB schools in Khalifa City have a fe...
KingLead conducts continuous and in-depth research and analysis on international schools in a global scale, deeply digs characteristics of international schools, optimizes evaluation standards, furthers Industry upgrades, and promotes the cultivation of international innovative talents. Since 2020, KingLead ...