那第一个呢,是拔萃男书院 是今年状元人数最多的学校,IB平均分数41分,3位状元拿到满分45分,5位榜眼考获44分,12位探花拿43分! 第二个,圣保罗男女中学 平均分数41.2分,一共2位状元,11个榜样,10位探花! 第三个学校,英基 平均分36.1,今年8位状元,28位榜眼 第4个学校,加拿大国际学校 今年产出1位状元,3位榜...
The Hong Kong Professional Education Press (HKPEP) has been the professional authority for publishing the guidebooks on the ranking of Hong Kong's most competitive secondary/primary/kindergarten/international schools for the 12th consecutive year. This is the third consecutive year that the 2025 globa...
新加坡华中国际学校(Hwa Chong International School,Singapore),成立于2005年,是华中大家庭的成员之一,也是一所知名的国际学校。 作为一所本地国际学校,根据新加坡教育部的规定,全校一半的学生是新加坡人或新加坡永久居民,其余的学生则来自20多个不同的国家。 2022IB成绩 在2022年11月IB考试中,华中国际学校取得了优异的...
香港頂流IB國際“神校”——德瑞,仍接受申請! 說起香港第一梯隊的國際學校,德瑞國際學校(German Swiss International School 簡稱:GSIS)可以 ... 10482024-11-26 香港培僑書院中一申請開啓,25年1月截止! 培僑書院開創立于2005年,是位于沙田區的一間直資中學,屬于全日制一條龍Band1男女學校,培僑書院辦學宗旨是...
国际学校三大主流课程:AP/Alevel/IB,我们优先介绍一下,然后再和大家聊一聊OSSD、DSE、VCE的特点; 一、AP课程体系 美国大学先修课程(Advanced Placement),简称AP课程,是由美国大学理事会(The College Board)在高中阶段开设的具有大学水平的课程,主要适合计划在美国就读本科的高中生学习,在全世界范围内(包括美国本土)...
Ranking and price is loosely negatively correlated Also check out our other comparisons: Price of International School education in Hong Kong How do we compare SAT HKCEE HKDSE GCE IB grades? Posted in Admissions and tagged Price, Tuition Fees, Universities, University, US Colleges on October 2, ...
Chinese International School is committed to the achievement of academic excellence and is characterized and enriched by its dual-language programme in Chinese and English. The mission of Chinese International School is to inspire students to a lifelong love of learning....
On January 15th, SGA had the honor of hosting the leaders of the Chinese International School from Hong Kong. Head of School, Mr. Sean Lynch, and Deputy Head of School, Ms. Li Bin, were warmly welcomed by Mr. Luo...
United International College (UIC), situated in Zhuhai and jointly founded by Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University, is the first full-scale cooperation in higher education between the Mainland and Hong Kong. 北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院(United International College,简称UIC...
United International College (UIC), situated in Zhuhai and jointly founded by Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University, is the first full-scale cooperation in higher education between the Mainland and Hong Kong. 北京师范大学-香港浸会大学联合国际学院(United International College,简称UIC...