[TBC] INSTANT 70 | Fully Scripted Raids/Dungeons | ActivePvP (RandonBattlegroundQueue/Earn Arena gear in BGS)| FRESH NOW LIVE | Crossfaction PVE/PVP/AH | AH Bot | NoLag/No Crashes | FollowerBots in Normal Dungeons | Anti-DDoS | DualSpec & Racial Swapper | Blizz-like X1-Aside From EX...
Three, if you’re not already, become familiar with Top gear on Raidibots, to sim yourself. https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/topgear Place to sim https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/simulationcraft Addon to make it work. 7 Likes Beau...
Shaiya Prophesy is a growing up committee Server rates: x150 exp and x50 gold No lag New items and gear, some free items from Item mall, friendly staff Join Us Details Votes 0 13 Shaiya eXtreme Rates x300 / Great Staff / Lots of Events / International Community / Permanently up Details ...
Issue multiple orders to a computer-controlled small team, and enable them to use different weapons and gear. The game obliges the player to compete against opposing players and receive lots of rewards in various forms. While exploring the map, the player must gather some individual keys on ...
GO 10-3-EP 54 connect 64 -Kill Rate x1-150 Slots Raid-Instant Level 70-Max Lapis Level 7-Max Enchant [15]-Starter Gear-New Pets-New Wings-New Costumes-General effect On/off-Technical Improvements-Dex/Luc/Wis/Rec Fixed-Boss Death Spawn NoticeDetails ...
SERVER STATISTIC XP Kill=15, Honor&Rep=15, Money=5, Drop Rate=10 Dualspec=Enablec, Free Start gear Solocraft=Enabled, Playerbot=Enabled, Auctionbot=Enabled Auto learn spells when leveling (Flying included), AntiCheat=Enabled bloodwow.com ...
High Five LOW, HIGH & OLD-Scool X1 SERVERS, FULL GEODATA for better gameplay! All Areas and RaidBosses ready! Global Gk, Custom Weapon Setts! Dual Box, Community, Events, Donations, On MID rate: GM-SHOP, NPC Buffer, Long Bufftime, Join Now, we wait for YOU!
SERVER STATISTICXP Kill=15, Honor&Rep=15, Money=5, Drop Rate=10Dualspec=Enablec, Free Start gearSolocraft=Enabled, Playe...More 0 English 539416 #16 WoWZuLL - 3.3.5 WotLK Server HIGH RATES x1-x20 | CUSTOM RACES | RAID-SCALING | CROSS-FACTION | NO PAY2WIN | HD UPGRADE | LAUNCHER...
Issue multiple orders to a computer-controlled small team, and enable them to use different weapons and gear. The game obliges the player to compete against opposing players and receive lots of rewards in various forms. While exploring the map, the player must gather some individual keys on ...
lvl 100 Sorc Lightning Spear BIS gear and FULL Masterworked 12/12 ,Top rolls Insane dmage, can carry full party uber lilith boss. Tier 100 Nightmare dungeon easy farm with 3 leechers Infernal hordes compas 8 lvl farm and can boost ppl Uber lilith easy kill Pit 100+ easy farm and carry...