Open up Raidbots Top Gear and paste in your data from the addon. 2. How To Sim Gear on Raidbots To make things simple, make sure that you are currently in the talent setup that you want to sim for. You should also make sure that all the gear you wish to compare is in your Bags...
目前Raidbots还支持模拟大秘境下的方案,更多考虑了小怪阶段的输出,我们可以在Fight Style里面选择Dungeon Slice(Beta),其他选项保持不变,就是模拟大秘境下的输出 然后点击底部的“Find Top Gear”,即可开始进行模拟,免费账户需要排队(通常几分钟也不会太久,我们稍作等待即可) 第四步:查看模拟结果 模拟运行完成后,即...
Open up Raidbots Top Gear and paste in your data from the addon. 5. How To Configure Raidbots Before we do any actual simming, we should make sure that we have set up Raidbots correctly for our uses. If you enter a section such as Top Gear and scroll to the bottom, you will see ...
1,基础的RaidBots运用详解 Raidbots是一个基于Simulationcraft软件做的一个网站,能帮助更多人避免用Simc时...
点击Top Gear,将我们从第一部分复制的代码,粘贴到下图中红框的区域内。网站下方便会出现你背包中所有...