the likely trend of the argument and so on, and then use this framework to interpret difficult parts of the text. The top-down approach gives a sense of perspective and makes use of all
Bottom-up,就是在一个范围内的债券里,找出相对价值最高的一个,例如,在一个行业内Or相同发行人内,找出来相对最优的个股(债)或者发行人。在Bottom-up的分析里面,“相对”是一个关键。并且分析的起点是个股或者发行人。 而在Top-down的分析方法里面,起点是宏观指标,即分析的是最能够影响行业板块、个股(债)的...
Understand the meaning of the top-down approach and bottom-up approach in management. Know the advantages of the two approaches to management and...
Although logically we might expect that we ought to understand the plain sense if we are to understand anything else, in practice a reader continually shifts from one focus to another, now adopting a top-down approach to predict the probable meaning, then moving to the bottom-up approach to ...
We’ll break down the difference between a bottom-up and a top-down approach and which one could work for you.
Organizational behavior Top-down vs. bottom-up management approach| The effect on employee motivation and retention CAPELLA UNIVERSITY John Machnic DanielsFitzroyGlobalization, economic trends, competitive labor market, market forces, and other variable forces have created a sense of urgency within ...
Ecology:There are top-down and bottom-up structures that are part of our natural world. In some ecosystems, top predators control the structure of a population. This is an example of a top-down approach. In comparison, other ecosystems exist on a bottom-up approach. These ecosystems, like ...
Generally speaking, there are two approaches to understanding the process of perception. These are the top-down processing and the bottom-up processing. What differentiates one from the other? Let's find out. 通俗来讲,这里有两种方法来理解感知的过程。这就是从上到下(top-down processing)和从下到...
How does the top-down approach differ from the bottom-up approach in language processing? A.Bottom-up processing is more effective than top-down processing in speech synthesis.B.Bottom-up processing utilizes all information one has in speech perception.C.Top-down processing uses one' s existing...
Each approach can be quite simple—the top-down approach goes from the general to the specific, and the bottom-up approach begins at the specific and moves to the general. These methods are possible approaches for a wide range of endeavors, such as goal setting,budgeting, and forecasting. In...