4. MSc Business with Consulting 很多学商科的同学的目标职业都是做金融咨询,华威商学院应同学们的呼声设立了商业咨询硕士项目。华威的咨询课程非常强调深入情境之中学习体会咨询的工作。在课程之中,学生会经常性地前往Shard校区,和咨询专家近距离学习交流。行业中的资深专家会以师徒式的形式,指导学生做数据分析,发现问...
Life in UK Top Business School – 英国顶级商学院 (1) Chapter One – Oxford Said Business School 牛津赛德商学院 “管理课程都是职业技术课程,怎么配的上牛津的高才智顶级学术标准?” ——Bob Tricker 《Oxford Circus》 1988年,时任牛津校务委员会主席,统计学界的泰山北斗,克劳斯·墨瑟勋爵(Claus Moser)提议...
EU Business School offers internationally accredited bachelor's, master's and MBA degrees taught in English in Barcelona (Spain), Geneva (Switzerland), Munich (Germany) as well as Digital.
链接: https://www.sbs.ox.ac.uk/programmes/degrees/msc-financial-economics 剑桥贾奇商学院 剑桥大学 | 图源:网络 贾奇商学院(Judge Business School)同样年轻,成立于1990年,目前开设Mphil、MBA、博士等学位课程。在过去的几年中,其毕业生多被麻省理工学院,LBS和剑桥大学录取为金融与会计博士。 设置的硕士课程...
London Business Schoolis once again one of theUK’s best institutions. It is one of over 60 UK business schools in the rankings this year. Other notable business schools in the UK rankings this year areThe London School of Economics,The University of Warwick,Imperial College London, andThe ...
This inauguralbusiness school ranking, which features just over 200 top business schools worldwide, is headed by the UK’s London Business School, followed by Harvard University (US) and INSEAD (France). The US accounts for almost a quarter of the top business schools featur...
EU Business School offers internationally accredited bachelor's, master's and MBA degrees taught in English in Barcelona (Spain), Geneva (Switzerland), Munich (Germany) as well as Digital.
1. 伦敦商学院 London Business School 伦敦商学院 ,简称LBS,是一所国际化商学院 ,为伦敦大学的两个研究生院之一,不提供本科教学,只提供金融和管理学方向的研究生课程。尽管成立于1964年,却在短时间内成为世界上最著名的商学院之一,不仅历来被认为是欧洲最顶尖的商学院,同时也是全球最顶尖的十所商学院之一。
曼大商学院(Alliance Manchester Business School)成立于1965年,是英国最早的两所商学院之一。其下属分支为会计金融部和高级管理部。曼大商学院共开设了3门管理学相关专业,分别为管理学、国际商业管理、商业分析与战略管理。 曼彻斯特大学-...
To answer this question, the author reviewed the curriculums of leading schools and contacted all schools to collect more information and data.Findings The study reveals that KM has yet to carve a self-standing place for itself within taught programmes in UK business schools.Research limitations/...