Stern商学院以地理位置优势著称 5️⃣ 乔治城大学 USNews排名:#22 McDonough School of Business以全球政策中心为优势 6️⃣ 卡耐基梅隆大学 USNews排名:#24 Tepper School of Business在定量分析、金融工程、数据科学领域享有盛誉 7️⃣ 弗吉尼亚大学 USNews排名:#24 McIntire School of Commerce毕业生平均...
归功于Goizueta Business School毕业生的优秀表现,他们的毕业起薪平均达到了81,000美元。 No.9加州大学伯克利分校 TOP9:加州伯克利 2024 USNews全美综合大学:#15 加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(Haas School of Business),位于美国加利福尼亚州北部的...
归功于Goizueta Business School毕业生的优秀表现,他们的毕业起薪平均达到了81,000美元。 No.9 加州大学伯克利分校 2024 USNews全美综合大学:#15 加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(Haas School of Business),位于美国加利福尼亚州北部的伯克利市,始建于1898年,是美国第二古老的商学院,同时也是美国最古老的公立商学院。
MS in Quantitative Finance MS in Marketing and Retail Science MS in Organization Management and Strategy MS in Data Analytics and Business Computing 第一轮截止日:2024.10.15 第二轮截止日:2024.12.15 第三轮截止日:2025.1.31 杜克大学--Fuqua School of Business MQM: Business Analytics 第一轮截止日:2024...
(图源:UNC,Kenan-Flagler Business School) 而在你不知道的角落里,UNC的商科项目也牛牛的很安心。在2024 US News全美最佳Business Program的本科排行中,它名列第7,什么金融学、房地产、市场营销和管理学专业都能在全国叫上号。小东西深藏不露是吧 ...
EU Business School offers internationally accredited bachelor's, master's and MBA degrees taught in English in Barcelona (Spain), Geneva (Switzerland), Munich (Germany) as well as Digital.
Top business schools in the US and Canada There are over 100 business schools in theUSthis year, including some that are ranked among the top 10 worldwide. In particular,Harvard Universityearns a top score for employer reputation. The school has a strong alumni network, and its business schoo...
EU Business School offers internationally accredited bachelor's, master's and MBA degrees taught in English in Barcelona (Spain), Geneva (Switzerland), Munich (Germany) as well as Digital.
The University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business was the first US business school to offer an executive MBA programme (in 1943) as well as the first to offer a PhD in business (1920). Several members of Booth’s faculty are Nobel Laureates and the school has nearly 50...
Ascencia Business School is one of top business school in UAE and other GCC nation. Check wide variety of internationally accredited programs.