film has been a powerful medium. The top gay-themed movies offer heartfelt narratives that delve into love, identity, and acceptance. These films not only entertain but also foster understanding and empathy by bringing queer stories to the forefront. From poignant dramas to uplifting romances, the...
TV-MA 2011 3 Seasons 8.4 (42,409) Top Boy is a British crime drama television series that initially premiered in 2011. The show follows the life of a group of young people living in the fictional Summerhouse estate in Hackney, East London. The plot mainly revolves around the drug trade...
In this witty British cinema, Get Real tells the story of two teenagers, Steven and John, who discover their mutual attraction in a suburban setting, where their relationship must be kept hidden due to societal pressures. With clever dialogue and heartfelt storytelling, the film explores adolescen...
Top Boy is a well written, well acted British crime drama that is a must watch for any fan of this kind of genre. People calls shows underrated all the time but this is definitely underrated. It's one of those shows where once you start watching it you can't stop. The cast does su...
For fans of:Period dramas with modern sensibilities, female friendship, Andrew Scott Number of seasons:1 Andrew Scott and Lily James,The Pursuit of Love Amazon Studios Amazon'sThe Pursuit of Love, a British import that's been met with great reviews in its native land, is perfect for anyone...
Now that the whole series is finally streaming on Disney+, it's the perfect time to delve into one of the most ambitious and unusual TV shows of all time. 25. Succession When it was announced that Jesse Armstrong, the creator of cult British comedy Peep Show, was taking on the Murdochs...
This British show had a great critical reception, hope you’ll enjoy it! My So-Called Life Created by: Winnie Holzman Genre: Teen Drama Running Time: 47 mins Original Channel: ABC My So-Called Lifewas created by Winnie Holzman, it was on air for a year and in that timeline it made ...
was honoured for editing and sound in the fiction/entertainment awards.Also named as a double winner at tonight's British Academy Television Craft Awards was Channel 4's hard-hitting Falling Apart, for which Brian Hill won best new director in the fiction category and Anna Maloney walked away ...
A globally popular dating reality franchise with over 20 international versions and spinoffs, Love Island has become a fixture of American TV, with the U.S. version streaming on Peacock and the original British series also pulling in stateside viewers on Hulu. The American series has licensed ...
3– Dramas 4– Family movies 5– Romances While INFJs can enjoy a good action movie or comedy as well, most INFJs wanted a deeper emotional context for the movie to be enjoyable. Shoot-em-up action blockbusters or crude comedies rarely came up as preferred films – and neither did slashe...