In this British historical drama, the turbulent transition from Roman republic to autocratic empire, which changed world history through civil war and wars of conquest, is sketched both from the aristocratic viewpoint of Julius Caesar, his family, his adopted successor Octavian Augustus, and their ...
TV Series are the little brother of movies. But that doesn’t mean they’re any less popular or valued. In fact, many believe that we’re living in the ‘golden age of drama series’ which will subsequently lead to the complete replacement of the “big screen” in favor of the “small...
The Best Zendaya Movies and TV Shows to Stream in 2024 Everett 4 Spencer (2021) Bordering somewhere between a psychological horror and a historical biopic, Spencer is a movie about the British royal family unlike any other that has been made before it. Kristen Stewart plays Princess Diana at ...
After 12 years, five seasons, and a revival aided by Canadian rapper Drake, the thrilling UK crime drama Top Boy has ended fittingly for a show that had become known for its authentic reflection of a specific part of British culture.Through the story of drug leaders and best friends Du...
Also ranks #16 onThe Best LGBTQ+ Drama Films Also ranks #58 onThe 75+ Best Immigrant Movies 6 Love, Simon Nick Robinson, Josh Duhamel, Jennifer Garner 1,145 votes This captivating teen drama tackles the challenges faced by a closeted gay high school student during his journey towards self-...
TV-MA 2011 3 Seasons 8.4 (42,409) Top Boy is a British crime drama television series that initially premiered in 2011. The show follows the life of a group of young people living in the fictional Summerhouse estate in Hackney, East London. The plot mainly revolves around the drug trade...
Celebrated for its bold storytelling and groundbreaking portrayal of a same-sex relationship, My Beautiful Laundrette remains a seminal work in British cinema. Released: 1985 Directed by: Stephen Frears Also ranks #16 on The Best LGBTQ+ Drama Films Also ranks #17 on The Most Underrated Romance ...
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Season five covers the British royal family during the 1990s.The season will cover the fire at Windsor Castle, the ending of both Prince Andrew and Princess Anne's marriages, and the infamous Martin Bashir interview, where Princess Diana says: "There were three of us in the marriage". ...
While infinitely quotable (“Pocket sand! Sh-sh-shah!”) and often hilarious, the series takes pains to treat its kooky cast of Southern-fried characters as three-dimensional people, not caricatures. 64. All in the Family This American remake of the British TV series Till Death Us Do Part...