SINGAPORE, November 21, 2024 —ASUS and Ubilink today announced the successful establishment of a supercomputing facility that has positioned Taiwan in thetop 31 on the global TOP500 list of supercomputersand secured a prestigious44th ranking on the Green500 list, delivering 45.82 PFLOPS. This ambi...
Top 500 Around the World Supercomputing resources are used in very different fashions by each country. This dashboard gives an overview of the size and type of each county's supercomputing clusters, and shows how each country has ranked in this list over more than a decade. One of the most...
TAIPEI, Taiwan, November 19, 2024—ASUS and Ubilink today announced the successful establishment of a supercomputing facility that has positioned Taiwan in thetop 31 on the global TOP500 list of supercomputersand secured a prestigious44th ranking on the Green500 list, delivering 45.82 PFLOPS. This...
NVIDIA GPUs are powering gains in energy efficiency for the TOP500 supercomputers. In energy use, Selene is 6.8x more efficient than the average TOP500 system not using NVIDIA GPUs. Selene’s performance and energy efficiency are thanks to third-generation Tensor Cores inNVIDIA A100 GPUsthat spee...
Top 500 Around the World Supercomputing resources are used in very different fashions by each country. This dashboard gives an overview of the size and type of each county's supercomputing clusters, and shows how each country has ranked in this list over more than a decade. One of the most...
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TOP500榜单中,56%的计算来自GPU。越来越多的厂商开始谈论“人工智能超级计算机”(AI supercomputers),因为可以加速传统HPC工作负载的CPU-GPU混合架构也可以用于机器学习训练。 自1993年以来,TOP500的总性能、排名第一以及排名500的超算性能变化如下图所示:
innovative, energy efficient and fastest supercomputers in the world. AMD now powers 140 supercomputers on thelatest Top500 listrepresenting a 39% year-over-year increase. Additionally, AMD powers eight of the top ten most energy efficient supercomputers in the world based on the latestGreen...
【“中国芯”超算问鼎全球TOP500榜单】China has maintained its No.1 ranking in the 47th edition of the TOP500 list of the world’s top supercomputers with a system called “Sunway TaihuLight.” It is built entirely using processors designed and made in China. It is twice as fast and three ...