就是这个网站发布,Home | TOP500 Supercomputer Sites。 新一期全球超级计算机500强榜单11月13日发布,中国超算“神威·太湖之光”和“天河二号”连续第四次分列冠亚军。 美国连续第二次没有超算进入前三名。美国“泰坦”继半年前被瑞士“代恩特峰”赶超而落到第四名后,此次又被日本的“晓光”超过,屈居第五名。
TOP500 Supercomputer Sites 16th Edition Hans W. Meuer Computing Center University of Mannheim D-68131 Mannheim Germany meuer@rz.uni-mannheim.de Erich Stroh... JJ Dongarra,HW Meuer,E Strohmaier - 《Benchmarks》 被引量: 781发表: 2000年 TOP500 supercomputer Now in its 14th year, the TOP500 ...
Finally, NVIDIA congratulates the engineers behind the Fugaku supercomputer in Japan for taking the No. 1 spot, showing Arm is becoming more real and now a viable option in high performance computing. That’s one reason why NVIDIAannounced a year agoit’s making itsCUDAaccelerated computing soft...
The Fugaku supercomputer illustrates a dramatic shift in the type of compute that has been traditionally used in these powerful machines, and it is proof of the innovation that can happen with flexible computing solutions driven by a strong ecosystem. For Arm, this achievement showcases the power ...
Conference, S Cth TOP500 List. http://www.top500.org/lists/2006/11TOP500 Supercomputer Sites. "26th TOP500 list," SC|05 Conference, 15 Nov. 2005," http://www.top5OO.org/lists/2OO5/! l/TOPlO_Nov2OO5.pdf, (retrieved 13 Jan. 2006)....
DENMARK: VESTAS– The largest supercomputer in Denmark; Winner of HPCwire’s “Reader’s Choice for Best Use of High Performance Data Analytics”; Vestas is working to make wind energy production even more efficient by collecting and analyzing data to help customers pick the best sites for wind...
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Tianhe-1 - NUDT TH-1 Cluster, Xeon National SuperComputer Center in E5540/E5450, ATI Radeon HD 4870 2, Tianjin/NUDT Infiniband China NUDT NASA/Ames Research Center/NAS United States DOE/NNSA/LLNL United States Argonne National Laboratory United States Texas Advanced Computing Center/Univ. of Texa...
CountriesandSites MySupercomputerFavorite intheTop500Lists The28 th ListasofNovember2006 PerformanceDevelopment Top500intheFuture Outline page3 MannheimSupercomputerStatistics &ProjectStartin1993 MannheimSupercomputerStatistics 1986–1992 PresentedatISC‘86–ISC‘92/Mannheim ...
TOP500 supercomputer E. Strohmaier, "Top500 supercomputer," in Proceedings of the 2006 ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing, ser. SC '06. New York, NY, USA: ACM, ... E Strohmaier 被引量: 35发表: 2006年 Top500 Supercomputer Sites (15th edition) (2003). TOP500 Supercomputer Sites, 22n...