In Island, the horror is driven into a fast paced story of demon killing proportions. The best element aside from the cool characters and fast story comes from the incredible art helmed by Yang, Kyung-il who does an incredible job. Island’s story is not to be tossed aside though, Yoon...
20 Boys Gijs Blom, Ko Zandvliet, Jonas Smulders 831 votes This tender Dutch coming-of-age story follows the blossoming relationship between two teenage boys from different backgrounds on their high school track team. As the characters navigate adolescence, friendship, and hidden desires, the film ...
Over 500 fans have voted on the 80+ characters on Top 80+ Fictional Characters Named Arthur. Current Top 3: Arthur Morgan, Arthur Pendragon, Arthur Weasley ...
Demme’s direction and cinematography create a perfect sense of dread while also displaying a distinct care for every major player: Starling, Lector, even Buffalo Bill. Demmeloveshis movie’s characters, almost as much
Here is anotherdark horror animeseries Hulu has in its collection. Overlord has proved to be widely popular and everyone seems to love this action anime show. You can find some very likeable characters, however, our favorite is hands down Shalltear Bloodfallen. ...
Hellsing is full of such characters, but Alucard is the most extreme. There are a variety of sadistic anime characters, from all sorts of genres from comedy and romance, to suspense and horror. Some of them are manipulative and pretend to be benevolent, others wear their dark colors on ...
Don't Scream is a collection of 60 tales to terrify. Each story is written in the same style and theme, with consistent characters and locations throughout. Reading just one story a day for a year will give you an excellent education on what horror is all about. ...
There’s no better time than Earth Day to get our hands dirty and bring you the top 10 plant-powered comic book characters. Many of these heroes and villains have their roots in gnarly horror and strange sci-fi. But one thing is for sure — their superpowers are all organic! Across ...
Suspiria (1977) is a grand horror film, not solely for its mysterious story, but for all the added components that Argento throws into the mix- strange characters, weird sets, and the heavy dose of blood-red- pretty fitting. 1977 FilmsAlida ValliBest Film of the YearDario ArgentoHorrorInter...
Shizuka Marikawa is one of the main characters in Highschool of the Dead, which has its fair share of hot female characters. She is a very tall woman, with ridiculous curves. The most pronounced physical features of her isunrealistically large breasts. Her kind blond hair, hazel eyes and cu...