As the characters navigate adolescence, friendship, and hidden desires, the film provides a touching exploration of love and self-acceptance in the face of societal expectations. With its understated performances and grounded narrative, this movie offers a refreshingly honest portrayal of young LGBTQ+...
Easily one of the most compelling characters I have found within gaming. His existential conflicts within Final Fantasy IX where more compelling than the main story of the game for me. The horror of finding his being was created as puppets for war and then coming to terms with leading his ...
Julia Armfield is a great storyteller. The characters are interesting, the stories are paced well and the endings are satisfying at least in most cases. Without doubt these are some of the best horror stories I've read in the recent years. They are creepy, but also funny at least in the...
Released Jun 15, 2021 | Top 100 Score 228.43 (Image credit: Voidwalker Games) Harvey Randall: I only have kind words for Wildermyth—XCOM rendered as a cosy storybook, this thing's charming story vignettes add just enough flavour to your characters to project all sorts of stories onto them...
The horror element may not be everyone’s cup of tea, and I will admit I don’t usually like the blood and gore. What drew me to LIMBO is the mystery surrounding the game’s story, and the limit to information given about it. This is a game you should play yourself so you get to...
Barrels and fire fill the screen while the characters’ intricate animations for every movement continue the illusion that you are playing this cartoon. You probably don’t get very high. Hopefully, you have more quarters. - Samuel Claiborn 70. The Sims 3 The Sims 3 was a fantastic leap ...
This story focuses on four characters, one of which is on a mission to … Launching a series of books and film adaptations, ... Top 10 Halloween Songs. Whether you’re looking for ghosts, crazy cults, psychopaths or dystopian dread, these ten tales will have something for everyone. Gotta...
The Blues Brothers band played for real, and its fictional characters lived as household names. The movie was chock full of epic scenes. Director John Landis brought the backbone of American soul music into a sprawling collage that is a musical, a comedy, a drama, a production of unmatched ...
Why Are The Most Frightening Stories in Paranormal Horror Books? I find these stories quite unsettling as they step into the unknown, often featuring characters who are not entirely human yet have ties to our world. There's something about not fully grasping what's happening that scares me. ...
Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948) was the first film of several to capitalize on the comedy duo’s popularity and merge them with several horror characters in a hybrid of the horror and comedy genres. The zany film was enormously popular with fans, leading to other subsequent pairings...