Java 10/09 108Dromara/hmily 高性能异步分布式事务TCC框架 2.6k Java 11/22 109zhou-you/RxEasyHttp 本库是一款基于RxJava2+Retrofit2实现简单易用的网络请求框架,结合android平台特性的网络封装库,采用api链式调用一点到底,集成cookie管理,多种缓存模式,极简https配置,上传下载进度显示,请求错误自动重试,请求携带...
2.4.409 BrtEndDVals14 2.4.410 BrtEndDXF14s 2.4.411 BrtEndDXFs 2.4.412 BrtEndDXFs15 2.4.413 BrtEndDynamicArrayPr 2.4.414 BrtEndECDbProps 2.4.415 BrtEndECOlapProps 2.4.416 BrtEndECParam 2.4.417 BrtEndECParams 2.4.418 BrtEndECTWFldInfoLst 2.4.419 BrtEndECTWFldInfoLst15 2.4.420 ... What prompted you to go on your first journey?I wanted to get out of an expected Bangalore’s weekend rigmarole and explore a state that I hadn’t seen till then. It was the first time after college that I could travel independently, which ...
(a) DIV@10; (b) DIV@20. The diversity of CKGAT’s recommendation results is significantly better than that of KGNN-LS, KGAT, CKAN, and KGIN, although the recommendation accuracy of CKGAT on the MovieLens 20M dataset is slightly better than these four methods. The diversity of KGIN’s...
ls=1&mt=8'; } }, 3500); }; /** * 不清楚下载android包还是ios包,则跳转到下载页面 */ var jumpToDownloadPage = function (opts) { if (downLoadH5Handler) { clearTimeout(downLoadH5Handler); downLoadH5Handler = null; } var thirdParty = cookie.get('third_party'); var cbkFr = '...
elisa@elisa-N552VW ~/Scrivania/MHPC/geotop_3.0/make-build[v3.0*] $ ls -l totale 84 -rw-rw-r-- 1 elisa elisa 11518 giu 15 14:22 CMakeCache.txt drwxrwxr-x 5 elisa elisa 4096 giu 15 14:23 CMakeFiles -rw-rw-r-- 1 elisa elisa 1574 giu 15 14:23 cmake_install.cmake -rw-rw...
Accurate maps of the positions of Top2-DNA covalent complexes (Top2 CCs) genome-wide and throughout the cell cycle provide insights into topological genome structural organisation, as well as providing the tools to study their repair should they become permanent DNA lesions. Whilst the dual cataly...
/proc/pid/maps pid为进程号,显示当前进程所占用的虚拟地址。 /proc/pid/statm 进程所占用的内存 [root@localhost ~]# cat /proc/self/statm 654 57 44 0 0 334 0 输出解释 CPU 以及CPU0。。。的每行的每个参数意思(以第一行为例)为: 参数 解释 /proc//status ...
In natural environments, the δ34S difference between sulfide and sulfate could be as large as − 76‰20,21,22,23, due to the reservoir effect, sulfur oxidative recycling, and/or microbial sulfur disproportionation7,8,9,10. The reservoir effect often dominates the pyrite δ34S ...
/proc/pid/maps pid为进程号,显示当前进程所占用的虚拟地址。 /proc/pid/statm 进程所占用的内存 [root@localhost ~]# cat /proc/self/statm 654 57 44 0 0 334 0 输出解释 CPU 以及CPU0。。。的每行的每个参数意思(以第一行为例)为: 参数 解释 /proc//status ...