How it’s used: UXPressia’s main functionality is to create customer journey maps. If you need a little more than a whiteboard, UXPressia helps you create consistently good-looking CJMs for your customer personas. It’s intuitive and beautiful, for those who want to build maps that impre...
Gyoerffy, J.: Anmerkungen zur Frage der besten echten Zylinderabbildungen. Kartographische Nachrichten 4, 140–146 (1990) Google Scholar Haag, K.: Automated cadastral maps as a basis for LIS in Germany. Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten Int. Edn. 6, 20–25 (1989) Google Scholar ...
Den Besten, J.W.; Arts, B.; Verkooijen, P. The evolution of REDD+: An analysis of discursive-institutional dynamics. Environ. Sci. Policy 2014, 35, 40–48. [CrossRef] 9. Carvalho, F.V.d. The Brazilian position on forests and climate change from 1997 to 2012: From veto to ...