Twenty years of somewhat underwhelming albums from the likes of In Flames, together with metalcore's bastardisation of melodic death metal means that some have forgotten just what an energising and thrilling form of music it can be.Majestieshave certainly not forgotten, and withVast Reaches Unclai...
在这张两队联手带来的Split中,两队听上去有很多不同,代表着Death Doom的两种方向,一面空灵一面幽暗,也都有着迷幻/氛围的共同倾向。Dream Unending这边更多迷幻色彩,在受到psychedelic/space rock影响的轻快旋律和缓重的death/doomriff中平衡,加入清嗓,像在"So Many Chances"中的大段solo华丽流畅,很多方面都很接近于...
I really dig how they spew out their brain of demented, sludgy Death Metal that reeks of nothingness. Bands like this are the reason why I enjoy doing what I do. Cover your nose play their song “Foul Occurrence” loud and you will hear for yourself how unbelievably foul this band is. ...
This was a band I dabbled with in my teen years. My gateway genre into metal was mid-00s melodic death metal and metalcore, and by the time I was a 15-year-old I wanted to avoid anything with pop hooks like the plague as a result. This was very much my idea of what "more ma...
MetalSucks’ Top Albums of 2023 MetalSucks是一家以幽默和批评为特色的音乐新闻网站,提供各种重金属音乐的评论、访谈和文章,去年他们评选出的年度专辑有8张,挑选了他们认为最最喜欢的,最大的惊喜来自于咱们的二次元死核 Human Instrumentality Project 的专辑《LCL SEA》也名列其中,说明咱们本土乐队的实力也越来越...
Amazing, phenomenal, unique death/doom filled with indigenous, pre-hispanic Mexican sounds. -Raphael METALBITE'S TOP 10 ALBUMS OF THE MONTH 10: Nächtlich - Exaltation Of Evil Deathful Lust Productions This Toronto-based group first caught my attention when I stumbled on a video of their liv...
10. Thou –Umbilical The sixth album from Baton Rouge sludge metal group Thou is an unblinking, wrathful hurling of humanity and self and all of its ugly, contradictory ills, into the dirge-less abyss below. The band’s unrelenting intensity carries these songs through a streamlined approach in...
Death Below August Burns Red 印象中还是初高中刚开始听金属核时候的ABR,伴随着我们的成长,转眼也走到了20年第10张全长。一如既往机器般稳定输出,炉火纯青的招牌套路,经典的metalcore riff,不断冲击耳膜的bkd和blast beat和无可挑剔的vocal,曲目之间无缝衔接过渡。核心吉他手JB Brubaker的稳定输出是成功基础,solo,...
Who knows! My Tadpole Legion is a cartoonish enigma and I dare you to find a wilder album in 2023. Jake Torture Rack:Primeval Onslaught Within the scope of death metal there’s an entire spectrum of approaches that range from calculated to subtle to progressive and a host of other ideas....
discography 2024 top albums 01. kendrick lamar - gnx 02. future - mixtape pluto 03. tyler, the creator - chromakopia 04. rod wave - last lap 05. eminem - the death of slim shady 06. kodak black - dieuson octave 07. lil uzi vert - eternal atake 2 08. emtee - diy 3 09. j. ...