以科幻为主题,以tech death为基础,受到很多thrash和melo-death影响,编曲复杂追求技术性,同时包含大量旋律和技术的riff交织,高速流畅。 其中sci-fi主题和progressive thrash风格会容易和Vektor联系到一起,只不过Xoth更多了death metal的成分。在"Reflective Nemesis"等曲目中还可以听到power metal的风格,solo和chorus部分非...
Twenty years of somewhat underwhelming albums from the likes of In Flames, together with metalcore's bastardisation of melodic death metal means that some have forgotten just what an energising and thrilling form of music it can be.Majestieshave certainly not forgotten, and withVast Reaches Unclai...
When it comes to the heavy hitters of death metal that all put out albums this month (the other two being Cannibal Corpse and Dying Fetus…there's been a ton of new death metal this month), this is the album that drew me in the most. Flo is still Flo, when it comes down to it ...
This has led to attempts to ban their albums, legal challenges, and significant backlash from religious communities and others. Nonetheless, Slayer’s influence on the metal genre is unparalleled, with their sonic, lyrical, and visual style leaving a lasting impact on numerous bands within the ...
Top 10 Albums Of 2023 Experimentation, nostalgia, and breakout records defined a musically innovative and fun 2023. By Ashley Oken 2023 has given rock and metal listeners more great albums that one can listen to on streaming services. It was a year that was tough to keep pace with, as ...
MetalMusicArchives.com - the ultimate metal music virtual community covering the most important subgenres: Avant-garde/Experimental Metal, Black Metal, Traditionnal Heavy Metal, Death Metal, Doom Metal, Electronic Metal, Folk Metal, Glam Metal, Gothic Me
MetalSucks’ Top Albums of 2023 MetalSucks是一家以幽默和批评为特色的音乐新闻网站,提供各种重金属音乐的评论、访谈和文章,去年他们评选出的年度专辑有8张,挑选了他们认为最最喜欢的,最大的惊喜来自于咱们的二次元死核 Human Instrumentality Project 的专辑《LCL SEA》也名列其中,说明咱们本土乐队的实力也越来越...
Amazing, phenomenal, unique death/doom filled with indigenous, pre-hispanic Mexican sounds. -Raphael METALBITE'S TOP 10 ALBUMS OF THE MONTH 10: Nächtlich - Exaltation Of Evil Deathful Lust Productions This Toronto-based group first caught my attention when I stumbled on a video of their liv...
Death Below August Burns Red 印象中还是初高中刚开始听金属核时候的ABR,伴随着我们的成长,转眼也走到了20年第10张全长。一如既往机器般稳定输出,炉火纯青的招牌套路,经典的metalcore riff,不断冲击耳膜的bkd和blast beat和无可挑剔的vocal,曲目之间无缝衔接过渡。核心吉他手JB Brubaker的稳定输出是成功基础,solo,...
Top 50 Nu-Metal Albums of All Time Scroll through the gallery to see what's No. 1. 50. Crazy Town, The Gift of Game (1999) Columbia Records 50. Crazy Town, 'The Gift of Game' (1999) The opposite side of the same Limp Bizkit coin, Crazy Town’s love of hip hop can be found...