Dream Unending这边更多迷幻色彩,在受到psychedelic/space rock影响的轻快旋律和缓重的death/doomriff中平衡,加入清嗓,像在"So Many Chances"中的大段solo华丽流畅,很多方面都很接近于去年的全长"Song of Salvation",被称为"Dream Doom"名副其实。 Worm这边则延续着去年EP中的早期黑金属风格影响的回归,三首曲目像是...
波兰死亡 The Dead Goats - Path of the Goat 玻利维亚黑敲 Bestial Holocaust - Into The Goat Vulva 丹麦黑金属 Angantyr - Forvist 德国力量 Freedom Call - Land Of The Crimson Dawn 德国力量重金 Paragon - Force Of Destruction 德国民谣金属 Finsterforst - Rastlos 德国死亡 Revel In Flesh - Deathevoka...
but Skee Mask isn’t a normal electronic producer. Bryan Muller is a German artist who’s more than adept at constructing straightforward techno heaters, but chooses to spend his albums inventing new electronic genres on every track.Resortis no exception. Although it ...
The Top 50 Albums of 2003 as selected by the Pitchfork Staff By PitchforkDecember 30, 2003It always seems to take a new decade a few years to decide what it wants to be. 2003 was the first year that felt like a fully formed part of the 00's. For the first time, we completely ign...
From Pallbearer to Purity Ring to DIIV to Miguel to Lambchop to Frank Ocean to Andy Stott and more: our Top 50 albums of the year.
Death Below August Burns Red 印象中还是初高中刚开始听金属核时候的ABR,伴随着我们的成长,转眼也走到了20年第10张全长。一如既往机器般稳定输出,炉火纯青的招牌套路,经典的metalcore riff,不断冲击耳膜的bkd和blast beat和无可挑剔的vocal,曲目之间无缝衔接过渡。核心吉他手JB Brubaker的稳定输出是成功基础,solo,...
METALBITE'S TOP 10 ALBUMS OF THE MONTH 10: Nächtlich - Exaltation Of Evil Deathful Lust Productions This Toronto-based group first caught my attention when I stumbled on a video of their live performance on youtube. It felt like I was watching a bootleg clip of some forgotten second wa...
It took six years, but Greece’s most infernal sons conjured ancient death metal magic on ‘Promulgation…’, a supremely (un)righteous and utterly devastating death metal album for these new dark ages. [John Mincemoyer] 19. PANOPTICON ‘Roads To The North’ BINDRUNE ...
“Boogie Feet” feat. Eagles of Death Metal) and downright silly romantic parables (“Godzilla”), the formerly dollar-signed singer finally got a chance to show us all the colors of her rainbow, and they were beautiful. “Don’t let those losers take your magic, baby.” Yeah. —GIL ...
Whether they were reflecting our current condition or providing much-needed respite from it, these were the albums helped get us to December.