据统计,目前全球已上市11款CAR-T细胞疗法,从已上市的CAR-T产品2023年销售业绩来看,在海外市场中有6款产品均已披露,累计销售总额达到37.14亿美元,且均入围此次Top10榜单。 参考资料: https://www.genengnews.com/a-lists/top-10-best-selling-cell-and-gene-therapies/ <END> 想要解锁更多药物研发信息吗?查询掌...
而在Top10之后的细胞和基因疗法的销售数据大幅下降,蓝鸟生物治疗β-地中海贫血的Zynteglo(bettibeglogene autotemcel)的2023年销售额为1670万美元,蓝鸟生物治疗脑性肾上腺脑白质营养不良的Skysona(elivaldogene autotemcel)的2023年销售额为1240万美元,BioMarin公司治疗血友病A型的Roctavian(valoctocogene roxaparvovec-...
价格:101万美元/年($1.01 million per year) 2020年11月25日,Y-mAbs Therapeutics公司(简称Y-mAbs)宣布美国FDA已加速批准其Danyelza(naxitamab-gqgk)用于与粒细胞-巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(GM-CSF)联合治疗对既往治疗表现出部分缓解、轻微缓解或疾病稳定的复发/难治性高危神经母细胞瘤儿童(1岁及以上)和成人患者。
而在Top10之后的细胞和基因疗法的销售数据大幅下降,蓝鸟生物治疗β-地中海贫血的Zynteglo(bettibeglogene autotemcel)的2023年销售额为1670万美元,蓝鸟生物治疗脑性肾上腺脑白质营养不良的Skysona(elivaldogene autotemcel)的2023年销售额为1240万美元,BioMarin公司治疗血友病A型的Roctavian(valoctocogene roxaparvovec-...
Although some of the top-selling drugs in the world are facing patent cliffs between now and then, many of them are still projected to continue being big sellers between now and 2024.
近日,知名财经网站RTT发文,盘点了2019年不容忽视的10家基因治疗公司: 1、Applied Genetic Technologies Corp(AGTC) 该公司创立于1999年,总部位于美国佛罗里达州,是一家临床阶段的生物技术公司,致力于为患有罕见、致衰性遗传性疾病的患者开发革命性的基因疗法,其大多数基因治疗项目集中于遗传性眼病领域。该公司采用无毒...
“Recent Advances in Ovarian Cancer: Therapeutic Strategies, Potential Biomarkers, and Technological Improvements”by Salima Akter, Md. Ataur Rahman, Mohammad Nazmul Hasan,...
Track 19: Clinical Trials and Research in Cell and Gene Therapies Clinical trials and research in gene and cell therapies are essential to developing safe and effective medications. These studies evaluate new medical procedures for humans in terms of their safety, efficacy, and therapeutic potential....
Bank of America has a "buy" rating and $15 price target for CRBU stock, which closed at $2.03 on Sept. 16. Bluebird bio Inc. (BLUE) Bluebird bio is a biotech company developing gene and cell therapies to treat genetic diseases. It already has three FDA-approved gene-editing therapies....
Next:10. University of Toronto 2/15 Credit 10. University of Toronto Location: Toronto Best Global Universities overall rank: 16 (tie) Fact: Biochemistry researchers at the University of Toronto are investigating gene expression regulation, the structure and function of biolo...