Tooth sensitivity is a common dental problem that involves discomfort or pain in teeth when encountering certain substances and temperatures.
Overly sensitive teeth is a common issue that most people experience. Here are 8 common causes of tooth sensitivity and their associated solutions
Related to temporary tooth:Temporary crown,Temporary teeth deciduous tooth n. Seeprimary tooth. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights...
A tooth sensitive to cold after filling can be quite annoying, but it is normal to experience this after putting in new fillings or replacing the old one. Some sensitivity after filling is quite normal, especially if you've witnessed tooth decay, which irritates the tooth and leads to a pai...
crown tooth root root pulp stump nounsomething resembling the tooth of an animal Related Words cog sprocket comb power saw sawing machine saw projection nountoothlike structure in invertebrates found in the mouth or alimentary canal or on a shell ...
Treatments such as such as teeth whitening, professional dental cleanings, having braces put on or getting a filling placed have been known to cause sensitivity during or after the procedure. What can I do about it? The first step in doing something about dental sensitivity is to find out ...
Tooth enamel is prone to damage, which can give rise to a rough pitted surface that can create the conditions for teeth sensitivity. Shining example for the region The tiny scales that cover several beetles in the Cyphochilus genus of southeastern Asia are much whiter than natural sub stances...
When a cavity advances deep into the tooth, it may produce increased sensitivity to foods that arecold, hot, or sweet. But not all cavities will cause atoothache. If they are small or progressing slowly, they may only be detected by a dentist before they cause pain. Cavities on front te...
Most dental abscesses are straightforward to treat and resolve completely after they are drained. Home treatment of dental abscesses Although the essential oil of cloves can be used to manage the pain and sensitivity associated with dental abscesses, it will not cure the abscess.Abscesses will no...
When tooth structure is removed, there can be temperature sensitivity due to the removal of tooth structure, so some slight discomfort can occur; if a root canal was done prior to crown being placed, there's no discomfort. Expert Answers Is it painful to get a crown put on your tooth?