Understanding what causes sensitive teeth could be the first step towards tackling tooth sensitivity. It is worth having a quick understanding of how damage to the tooth structure causes sensitivity. The crown (part of the tooth above the gum line) is covered by a protective layer ca...
Treatments such as such as teeth whitening, professional dental cleanings, having braces put on or getting a filling placed have been known to cause sensitivity during or after the procedure. What can I do about it? The first step in doing something about dental sensitivity is to find out ...
【Methods】60 patients with a total of 125 vital pulp teeth, were randomly divided into experimental group, control group. Abutment preparation, with tooth mousse desensitization, modulus, after a temporary crown was made, the experimental group again coated tooth mousse, and the direct use of ...
Using water-sensitive STIR sequence allowed for detecting significantly lower aSNR and aHTMCNR in carious teeth compared to healthy teeth (p = 0.01). The use of MRI for the detection of caries is a promising imaging technique that may complement clinical exams and traditional imaging....
Feeling sensitivity in a tooth that has recently had dental work, like a filling or crown, can be a sign that there is a leak or crack in the restoration. Not attending to cavities or gum disease can cause sensitivity in and around the teeth. ...
Occasionally, you may notice tooth sensitivity after dental treatments such as fillings, crown preparations, bleaching and even professional cleanings. This is usually temporary, but let your dentist know if it continues. You may also find that your teeth become sensitive when using a tart...
If you avoid eating cold foods or drinking hot beverages because your teeth are sensitive, it may be time to get to the bottom of this painful condition. Tooth sensitivity affects millions of South Africans every year. So what causes sensitive teeth? Any number of underlying dental problems, ...
Approximately 40 million adults in the United States experience tooth sensitivity. So what causes sensitive teeth? Any number of dental problems. Find your answers here.
the response of the QCy probe toward Ag+ is fast. In addition, upon the addition of 5 equivalents of Ag+, the fluorescence intensity of the Sensors 2019, 19, 247 6 of 12 was quenched immediately after the addition of 5 ...
Sci. 2017, 7, 474 198 of 342 and is a central component of teeth. On the crown, it is covered by enamel, a highly mineralized ssuubbssttaannccee.. TThhee aappaattiittee ccrryyssttaallss iinn ddeennttaall eennaammeellaarreehhiigghhllyyoorrddeerreedd aannddpprroodduuccee nnee...